Android SDK API level question -

edited November 2014 in Android Mode

I have installed the Android SDK on my Windows 64 machine, and can use Processing in Android Mode. I have also installed Android 2.3.3 (API 10) SDK Platform and Google API's. Processing expects this.

I have also installed Android 5.0 (API 21) SDK Platform and Google API's (the current release), as well as current release Android SDK Tools (23.0.2); Android SKD Platform-tools (21) and Android SDK Build-tools (21.1.1)

Here is the question: I am trying to add code to my processing draw or setup routine that will remove the ActionBar (the space hog at the bottom of the Android Nexus 7, running Android 4.4.4) that has the Return (U-turn arrow) and Home icons that destroy the beautiful work of art that I have crafted with the gift of Processing (actually, it is just a bunch of black and white stripes used for testing children's vision, but I think the stripes, each one of them, are beautiful!).

Here are the instructions from Google:

Removing the action bar You can hide the action bar at runtime by calling hide(). For example: ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.hide();

The instructions then go on to say:

On API level 11 or higher Get the ActionBar with the getActionBar() method.

Here is my question: because I have API 21 installed, can I use the include for API 21, or do I have to use the various workarounds because the "floor" is API 10 for Processing?

Thanks in advance for any insights into how to approach the 21 flavors of API.





  • perhaps something like that getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);//hide status bar if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11){ getSupportActionBar().hide(); } ;

  • Hi, I will give that a try, but still trying to figure out... if we are using processing, are we only to use API 10 or less? Why load the higher levels - to use Eclipse? That is what I am trying to figure out... What is the significance of API 10 with respect to Processing code development?

    Thanks Joe

  • Answer ✓

    you can use your new api, sdk tools--(some problems! i know!- but not those you are talking about)-- & so on with processing (or in eclipse!) but you have to precise (in your manifest) what is the min targetted platform, in order that users who want to buy or use your app know that it could or could not be installed on the device they get... As for an example, (yours) you have tio think (sometimes, not always) about changes from(10) to...(what you are using); happily they are not so much significant. As for the question "why API 10 with processing" i dont know: ask to Fries!!! - probably that 3 years ago it was the good choice...and yet now i cannot tell you % of people using lollypop or kitKat on the phone. Furthermore it's allways a good idea to verify what is happening when you change the device: that 's why emulator is useful --- though!!!! -----but try the code (i have written it on a bad way, not using the "code" behaviour from the forum, so it is not so easy to understand) & tell me....Best wishes

  • Thanks! That makes sense... Targets evolving user base. So change

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