Programming Group

I'm back! (Though no one missed me :) ) and I have big plans. Sadly I don't have the expertise and strength to make all these big plans come to life. I was wondering if anyone would like to join with me in a programming group. We could work on larger projects and put them together. If you want to, comment here, and then I'll send my personal email address to you through this website's inbox. Thanks to anyone who wants to join in advance. You don't need to be a good programmer by the way. I just want people to help. The big names like PhiLho and Chrisir, asimes, and quark, Kevin workman, Tfguy, you know who you are, are busy so I can't always ask them for my help. That is why a programming group would help. Thanks guys!


  • You've got neither any group (only you by now) nor any code! And I think "hiring" is a tad exaggerated! :(|)
    Why don't you try If your project is interesting, folks might show up to help ya out! O:-)

  • OY mate, but I don't have a project. I just want a group.

  • sounds fun!

    I don't have much time, but count me in.

    I'll watch this thread

  • what are the big plans...?

  • Thanks Chrisir. Now we have to make this a mutual agreement. Send me your email through inbox and I will send you mine. Great that you want to join. Big plans, like cool games, learning software, you name it.

  • Send me your email through inbox and I will send you mine.

  • Doing something in group is Great! Much better and I will join if you start project ( for example in github).

  • Why don't you think of an idea and ask others to cooperate?

    Besides, if you "hire" someone but don't pay them, it's not really hiring. Having somebody work for you for free would count as slavery :P

  • Courtesy of coloredmirrorball I changed the title. : /

    Arco. I'll send you my info through inbox.

  • We still need more people. Please join and send requests to my inbox. Or reply on this discussion.

  • Yes, please join our group... our current project is a Zelda clone... but it's not restricted to processing, I work with Arduino at the moment...

    A group is just a highr degree of commitement. -

    please join.

  • edited November 2014
  • We are still open until the 8th of December. From then it will be an invite only process where you will not be able to just join anymore. So please, take advantage!

  • Come on everyone, join.

  • Hey guys, we have only one more spot left! Spot closes on December 8th. So c'mon let's go!

  • Read my join request i sent.

  • great news!

  • @techwiz777 please invite nim to our chat with theother6

  • hello,

    I'm Kango in github, please invite me on github

    Thank you!


  • Okay Chrisir. Chrisir good news!

  • I'm in school, where GitHub is blocked. Will do at home though. How was your trip?

  • it was nice! Thank you!

  • My teacher bought some arduino, and they will be shipped to my house in approximately 2 days. Hooray!

  • great! I got an arduino, remember my little robot? It's arduino driven!!!

  • new version with better pages

    do you like it?

    // states of the program
    final int TITLESCREEN = 0; 
    final int INTROSTORY  = 1; 
    final int MENU        = 2;
    final int NEWGAME     = 3;
    final int HELP        = 4;
    final int EXIT        = 5;
    int state = TITLESCREEN; 
    int pageNumberMAX=0;  // for the story
    int pageNumber=0;  // for the story
    PFont fontIntro; 
    PImage book;
    // -------------------------------------------------
    void setup() {
      size(880, 600);
      book = loadImage("book.png");//Rywes
      fontIntro = createFont ("Andalus", 22); // primary font
      if (fontIntro==null) // secondary font (if not found)
        fontIntro = createFont ("Arial", 22); 
      fill(183, 146, 13);
    } // func
    void draw() {
      switch (state) {
      case TITLESCREEN:
        text ("Dragon Child", 
        16, 93, width-16*2, height-16*2);
        text ("The Adventures\nof Tran", 
        16, 243, width-16*2, height-16*2);
      case  INTROSTORY:
        image(book, 0, 0);
        String[] pages=introStory();
        57, 25, width/2-32*2, height-44);
        width/2+32, 25, width/2-64, height-44);
      case MENU:
        fill(183, 146, 13);
        text("Game Menu", 16, 34, width-16*2, height-16*2);
        text("1. New Game \n 2. Help \n 3. Exit ", 
        256, 110, width-16*2, height-16);
      case NEWGAME:
        // put code for newgame in here
        // ps. will break and execute big error if no code
      case HELP:
        // put code for help in here
        // ps. will break and execute big error if no code
      case EXIT:
        println ("big error 1234 / unknown state");
      }// switch
    } // func 
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    void keyPressed() {
      switch (state) {
      case TITLESCREEN:
        state = INTROSTORY;
      case INTROSTORY:
        if (pageNumber<pageNumberMAX-2)
          state = MENU;
      case MENU:
        if (keyCode == '1') {
          state = NEWGAME;
        } //---------------------//
        if (keyCode == '2') {
          state = HELP;
        }    // Yours truly Oscar124//
        if (keyCode == '3') {
          state = EXIT;
        }    //---------------------//
        println ("big error 1262 / unknown state");
        state = MENU;
      }// switch
    } // func
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // Misc
    void showFourStars() {
      text("*", 26, 66);
      text("*", 26, height-36);
      text("*", width-26*2, 66);
      text("*", width-26*2, height-36);
    String[] introStory() {
      pageNumberMAX = 10;
      String[] page = new String[pageNumberMAX]; 
      int i=0;
        "Tran is a 14 year old girl from the outskirts of Ireland and one day upon a walk she encountered a dragon. Befriending the dragon quickly, she calls it Dramdern. "+
        "Visiting his cave each day, rumors have been circulating that she is the Lost Dragon Child. \nThe last Dragon Child was in the 1300's and now in the 1700's, the time when she lived, "+
        "being a dragon child proved to be both beneficial and risky. The dragon child, or who they thought was ";
        "the dragon child must have their dominant hand (whether they are right or left handed) "+
        "scorched by the dragons breath.\nThere was only one dragon, renamed multiple times, for "+
        "dragons lived for centuries, and Dramdern was the only available dragon to be ready for the dragon child. "+
        "As mentioned before, being the dragon child has benefits. The dragon child may control the skies, with the power of The Authority through the";
        "dragon. The Authority is the being that controls "+
        "everything in the universe. Air, wind, rain, and everything else produced by the sky. \nTran finally accepts the fact that she is a possible Dragon child, and prepares for the hand burning ritual. "+
        "A sorceress by the name of Weronicka, had felt that since she was born, being the dragon child was her destiny. She prepared as well for the hand burning ritual, not knowing that Tran was doing the same. ";
        "The entire kingdom waited in silence as Tran stepped up the stony steps to the dragon. Weronicka arrives a little late but then is in shock at what she sees. She stuns Tran, and then tried to force the "+
        "dragon to breath fire on her arm. The dragon refuses so she stuns the dragon, and takes him to her fortress beneath the Baltic Sea. ";
        "Tran was stunned in a time capsule, scheduled to release her after ten years, "+
        "the amount of time Weronicka thought she would need to convince the dragon to breathe fire on her. The king sent his best sorceress and sorcerers to Tran, and they managed to lower the capsule's time to one year. "+
        "During her coma trance, Tran was guided by one of the Authority's minions, to see what was happening to Dramdern. Weronicka hit him, and tried many different spells, but she could do";
        "nothing to convince him. "+
        "\nThe Authority saw that Tran was good, and employed a wizard, minion, and witch to train her in general knowledge, strength, and magic. After almost a year in the trance, Tran is finally ready. On her day of Departure, "+
        "or better known as the day she would awake from the stun trance, she received a map from the minion, a key for the witch, and a potion for the wizard. She was then taken to the Authority. Her head bowed, he spoke to";
        "her. \"Use these three relics to save the dragon you call Dramdern. Do not let the sorceress Weronicka prevail for she has evil in her heart. If she does manage to control your dragon, all of the Universe can fail to thrive "+
        "for much more.\"\nSuddenly Tran then saw herself standing over a cliff, a gust of wind pushed her over. She fell and fell, and then she saw jagged rocks at the bottom. She began to scream but before she touched the "+
        "ground she stopped.";
        "\"Congratulations, you hoped to be stopped, so the winds stopped you, you now have control over the skies. But it isn't complete domination. You need to complete the ritual.\""+
        " Said an anonymous voice, whom she at first thought was the Authority. But she then changed her mind. She new she had to begin her quest once she woke up from her trance. "  +
        "She then realized, "+
        "that the voice that spoke to her was the Universe itself."; 
        "Then she woke up. She blinked in the sunlight. It was exactly a year from the time she was last awake. She was in a cave. She was now "+
        "15, she thought. \nShe stood up and her right shoulder felt heavy. She looked and saw a satchel, and when she opened it, she saw the three relics given to her during her trance. Everyone thought "+
        "that she had died, even the wizards, for even they did not know if they helped her. She ran out of the cave into the forest, and then she noticed";
        "she was in the same cave that she met Dramdern in. "+
        "She ran back in, kissed the wall, went out, looked in all directions, and began running.\n\nBefore the cave became to far away, she waved to it, and continued to embark on her quest.";
      // page[i++]=""; 
      return (page);
  • I didn't manage to upload on github ;-)


  • Chrisir, it is great! I know I haven't been contributing, but that is because I am working on a soundtrack. I play violin, trying to see what I can do.

  • I will upload it to github

  • edited December 2014

    thank you! I didn't manage that. How can I do it?


  • I would suggest downloading GitHub for desktop, then sync it. If you do not want to download the application, then you can edit it online in GitHub by clicking the "edit" button.

    P.S. I would suggest download the GitHub application because you are going to use it a lot in this project probably.

  • Yes, rywes, we are.

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