Overriding an abstract method from Android

edited October 2014 in Android Mode

This is a follow up to an old post: http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/mediaplayer-oncompletionlistener#25080000001854529.html

I am using the android.media.MediaPlayer; on a sketch, and I want to evoke the onCompletion method when a a music reaches its end. Unfortunately I'm having some issues properly overriding this method. My music class is as follows:

import android.media.MediaPlayer;
import android.media.MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener;
import android.content.res.*;

public class MusicPlayer
  private ArrayList<MediaPlayer> songs;
  private String[] titles = {"redhot", "gaga", "vincent", "psy"};
  private int songIndex;
  private boolean playing;
  private AssetManager assets;

  public MusicPlayer(PApplet theParent)
    songs = new ArrayList<MediaPlayer>();
    playing = false;
    assets = theParent.getAssets();

    for (String songTitle : titles) 
      MediaPlayer song = new MediaPlayer();
      AssetFileDescriptor fd;

      myOnCompletionListener songEnds = new myOnCompletionListener();

        fd = assets.openFd(songTitle + ".mp3");
        song.setDataSource(fd.getFileDescriptor(), fd.getStartOffset(), fd.getLength());
        song.setOnCompletionListener(songEnds);  // AND HERE
      catch (IOException e)
        println("Error loading music: " + e);

    songIndex = 0;

  public void previousTrack()
    if (playing) songs.get(songIndex).pause();

    if (songIndex > 0) songIndex -= 1;
    else songIndex = titles.length - 1;


  public void nextTrack()
    if (playing) songs.get(songIndex).pause();

    if (songIndex < titles.length - 1) songIndex += 1;
    else songIndex = 0;


  private void startNewSong()
      playing = true;

  public void pausePlay(int status)
    if (status == 0 && !playing) songs.get(songIndex).start();
    else if (status == 1 && playing) songs.get(songIndex).pause();
    playing = !playing;

  public boolean isPlaying()
    return playing;

  public class myOnCompletionListener implements OnCompletionListener
    @ Override  // In the original code there is not space after @
    public void onCompletion(MusicPlayer player)

This code always generates the following errors :

error: Watch.MusicPlayer.myOnCompletionListener is not abstract and does not override abstract method onCompletion(MediaPlayer) in OnCompletionListener

[javac] public class myOnCompletionListener implements OnCompletionListener

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

[javac] @ Override



  • edited October 2014

    Please, when pasting code w/ @Override in it, insert a space between @ & Override : @ Override.
    It won't interfere w/ Java's parser! This forum still didn't fix it! :-<

  • edited October 2014

    AFAIK, in your line #21 : MediaPlayer song = new MediaPlayer();, that MediaPlayer will always use its original members. You can't force it to use your custom MyOnCompletionListener the way you're doing it! [-X

    You should write your own MediaPlayer class extending it; and modify it in a way it uses your MyOnCompletionListener in place of its original OnCompletionListener! :-B

    However, if its fields are private, you won't be able to pull that out w/o some heavy hack! :-SS

  • Answer ✓

    "You should write your own MediaPlayer class extending it"
    That's not the purpose here.
    He creates a OnCompletionListener (strange name, usually they are just called CompletionListener; whatever) override, actually. The onCompletion method is the one overridden / implemented. By definition, these classes (or interface, more likely) are designed to be overridden, so that's not the problem here.

    The real problem, per the error message, is that you try to override a method onCompletion(MediaPlayer) (taking a MediaPlayer parameter), and the one you declare is onCompletion(MusicPlayer). But your MusicPlayer class doesn't override MediaPlayer (and shouldn't).

    Fix your declaration, it should be fine.

  • That did it, thank you PhiLho.

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