ControlP5 2.0.4 on a Mac

edited November 2014 in Library Questions

Okay, what is up with ControlP5 with Processing 2.0 on a Mac? Nothing gets redrawn on the GUI. I have a dropdownlist and when I select an item, the dropdownlist should roll back up, but nooooo there's an artifact leftover on the GUI. How do I remove these artifacts? This is not a problem in Processing 1.5. Also when I create multiple tabs and select one I should be seeing what exists in the specified tab and not all of the GUI outside of the tab. Thanks for any help!



  • edited October 2014

    Can you post a simplified sketch that demonstrates the problem? Gives others a chance to test solutions. BTW is that Processing 2.2.1?

    BTW I have moved this to the correct category.

  • Answer ✓

    @smarfling are you clearing the background inside draw?

    void draw() {
  • Thanks, that worked. I'm so used to ControlP5 1.0 that I forgot I have to have background(0) in the draw method of the ControlFrame class.

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