Getting data from Google Sheets

edited October 2014 in How To...


I am trying to find a way to get data from a spreadsheet in Google Sheets into processing so that I can then use the data to generate something. I have found a few examples on the web however none of them seem to work - this may be because they are all a few years old so the code might be out of date.


If someone could point me in the right direction then that would be excellent.




  • Answer ✓

    Start with the old code. Modify it until it works. Post examples of what you're trying to do, using proper code formatting for this forum, and ask for help. The important aspect is that you show what YOU'VE done so others can help you more efficiently. The article you cite also has some pretty decent explanations of how the code works.

    And that's the direction I would point you in.


  • Thanks, i've found the best way of doing it is saving the file as a .csv

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