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I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction to solve this.
I'm constructing a grid of points in HE Mesh, altering the z of each point with some perlin noise. I then duplicate that mesh, flip it, extrude the original mesh and fuse the two together to get the final solid manifold mesh in the image below.
What I'm trying to figure out is creating the mesh so it has a flat bottom; so it's undulating on top but the base is flat. I've been thinking about trying somehow to select the bottom faces and then manipulating the vertices to be flat but I can't find a way to select just the bottom faces. Maybe there's a far easier way than how I'm attempting to do it?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The code I have so far (without the flattening attempts) is here: http://pastebin.com/mtJtmLv4
I can't run your code because it has an unlekker library dependency and - with those lines removed - leads to an NPE and seems to written in a different version of Hemesh than mine. However, besides all that, I suggest looking at the HEM_Slice modifier. With that you can just create a plane and slice everything off your mesh below the plane.
Thanks amnon. I think my version of HE Mesh is older. I'll check out the slide function.