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Hey all,
I've been working through a bunch of tutorials today trying to get my old mouse sensor to work as a camera of sorts. Found this one, but the discussion was in French.
Here's the Arduino code:
/* OptiMouse, Benoît ROUSSEAU */
/* - dialoguer avec un ADS2051 */
/* récupérer sur une souris */
/* optique */
#define PIN_CLOCK 2
#define PIN_DATA 3
#define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit))
byte readRegister (byte adresse)
int i = 7;
byte retour = 0;
for (; i>=0; i--)
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, LOW);
digitalWrite (PIN_DATA, adresse & (1 << i));
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, HIGH);
pinMode (PIN_DATA, INPUT);
for (i=7; i>=0; i--)
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, LOW);
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, HIGH);
retour |= (digitalRead (PIN_DATA) << i);
return retour;
void writeRegister (byte adresse, byte donnee)
int i = 7;
adresse |= 0x80;
for (; i>=0; i--)
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, LOW);
digitalWrite (PIN_DATA, adresse & (1 << i));
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, HIGH);
for (i=7; i>=0; i--)
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, LOW);
digitalWrite (PIN_DATA, donnee & (1 << i));
digitalWrite (PIN_CLOCK, HIGH);
void sendImage()
byte val;
byte adr;
Serial.print (">IMG:");
writeRegister (0x0a, 0x09);
for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
do {
adr = readRegister (0x0d);
val = readRegister (0x0c);
} while (val & 0x80);
// Serial.print (adr, HEX);
// Serial.print ('>', BYTE);
Serial.print (val, HEX);
// Serial.print (13, BYTE);
Serial.println ();
writeRegister (0x0a, 0x00);
void setup()
pinMode (PIN_DATA, INPUT);
void loop ()
if (readRegister (0x02))
Serial.print ('>');
Serial.print (readRegister (0x00), DEC);
Serial.print ('-');
Serial.print (readRegister (0x01), DEC);
Serial.print ('-');
Serial.print (readRegister (0x03), DEC);
Serial.print ('-');
Serial.print (readRegister (0x04), DEC);
Serial.println ();
// check if Processing sketch is okay for new frame
if (Serial.available())
I'm having a hard time understanding what some of the serial output is for. Any thoughts on how to get this to work with a veeeery basic Processing sketch would very much be appreciated.
What I have so far is this: import processing.serial.*; Serial port;
final int rate = 38400;
// hold camera data
int[] frame;
final int frameX = 16;
final int frameY = 16;
final int frameLen = frameX * frameY;
int serialCounter;
float sz; // size of pixel
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
String portName = Serial.list()[5];
port = new Serial(this, portName, rate);
//println("Using " + portName + " as serial device.");
// frame buffer
frame = new int[frameLen];
sz = width/frameX;
void draw() {
//int i = 0; // pixel counter
// tell arduino we are good for another
void keyPressed()
port.write("a"); // arbitrary char... "thank you sir may I have another?!"
serialCounter = frameLen;
if ( port.available() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < frameLen; i++) {
frame[i] = port.read();
for ( int i = 0; i < frameLen; i++ )
// data seems to be in 0-63 range...
fill(map(frame[i], 20, 63, 0, 255));
rect((i % frameX * sz), (i / frameY * sz), sz, sz);
but it's not quite working.