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I was curious as to how to change the frame icon of an applet upon runtime. I couldn't find an example of how to do it in Processing, so here is an example sketch.
PGraphics pg;
color background = 0;
color foreground = color(255);
void setup()
size(300, 300);
pg = createGraphics(width, height);
void draw()
frame.setTitle("Framerate: " + frameRate); //I can't code... getting 5-15 fps on my system...
float fC = (float) frameCount;
background = color( 255* (sin( fC*0.01)*0.5+0.5), 255* (sin( fC*0.01 + TWO_PI*0.3333)*0.5+0.5), 255* (sin( fC*0.01 + TWO_PI*0.6666)*0.5+0.5));
foreground = color( 255-255* (sin( fC*0.01)*0.5+0.5), 255-255* (sin( fC*0.01 + TWO_PI*0.3333)*0.5+0.5), 255-255* (sin( fC*0.01 + TWO_PI*0.6666)*0.5+0.5));
//Creating some pixels:
for (int i = 0; i < pg.width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < pg.height; j++)
int dist = (int) (pow(i-mouseX, 2) + pow(j-mouseY, 2));
//Abuse negative colour values:
color colour = color(((background >> 16) & 0xFF)-((foreground>>16)&0xFF)*dist*0.01*(sin(dist*0.01+frameCount*0.01)*0.5+0.5),
((background >> 8) & 0xFF)-((foreground>>8)&0xFF)*dist*0.01*(sin(dist*0.01+TWO_PI*0.3333+frameCount*0.01)*0.5+0.5),
(background & 0xFF)-((foreground)&0xFF)*dist*0.01*(sin(dist*0.01+TWO_PI*0.6666+frameCount*0.01)*0.5+0.5));
pg.pixels[i+width*j] = colour; //set the pixels for the PGraphics
image(pg, 0, 0); //Render the PGraphics to the PApplet
frame.setIconImage(pg.image); //Render the PGraphics to the Windows icon, PGraphics.image is a java.awt.Image field which is what the setIconImage method needs.
"I couldn't find an example of how to do it in Processing"
Your Google skills are better than mine :P
Admittedly, that's easier to search once you know the name of the function... :-P
I pointed out just to show some previous work, posting it again isn't a problem, it increases the chances to find out for other people.
Note that the search was made from processing.org, it automatically restricts the scope to its site.
Indeed, I did not do that. But in my search I did encounter the first result of your Google search but discarded it as outdated since the thread was more than seven years old. But it also has this thread: http://processing.org/discourse/beta/num_1234945669.html and the method described there still works! It uses the image field of a PGraphics object. I didn't realise a PGraphics has this field (despite me going through the PGraphics source for a couple days for another project - embarrassing! - but in my defense PGraphics is a very large class with lots of fields and methods, I did search for a method which returns an Image though... )
So you can use this Image field directly instead of creating a java.awt.bufferedImage. It increases the frame rate as well. Updated the opening post.
The Image image field isn't PGraphics's but its super class PImage is in PGraphics indeed!
To make the quest harder, it's not initialized in any of those, but within some of the PGraphics's subclasses like the PGraphicsJava2D as a
BufferedImage! 8-}Well, Java's AWT is that old or more! :-)) In the end, it's a Java's feature, not Processing's! :P
But the PGraphics implementation is different since 2007... or not?
Are you sure of that? I can't find a java.awt.image.Image field anywhere inside the PImage source code or javadoc! There is a getImage() method which is deprecated and there is a PImage constructor which takes an Image as an argument but that's it. Your link only points to the import of java.awt.image.*.
Oops! I guess after much search and multiple browser tabs opened, I've got it mixed up! 8-}
As long they keep on relying on Java's AWT, those internal things gonna be the same eternally! >:)