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hello, what is the right UML from my Processing-Programm?
here is my try:
if this is correct, what comes in the blank field?
PImage img= new PImage ();
void setup() {
void draw() {
void helloWorld() {
println("hello World!");
void mousePressed() {
class classA {
classA() {
void doSomething() {
I'm assuming that you're asking what the name of the main class is.
The name of the class is the name of the sketch (tab).
You can see that my sketch name is sketch_140921a.
So, literally, if I do the following in my program, it will run just fine:
So... the sketch tab name goes in that empty field.
Thank you :)
but is the rest
,.. on the right place?and is this connection correct?
I don't know much about UML diagrams. But you should be aware that classes inside ".pde" tab files are all nested to the sketch's unified top-class! :>
therefore, is that right then?
Yup, it seems so! =:)
Although I guess Java uses a '$' char rather than a '.' to separate an enclosing class from its nested 1s! :-?
mmh ..perhaps this is still better?
or Diagram3:
or perhaps this version: Diagram4: (is that right?)
If you think about everything in Processing, down to the Java level, you'll go insane by the time you put all the features into something like the above.
I suggest you just stick at most to the PApplet level, as the Java stuff is for the most part handled for you. Go no higher. (Unless, of course, you really want to.)
And believe me. There is far more that goes into PApplet then those 3 methods. I will not motivate you to put the down.
Seems like Processing 3 is in the process of getting rid of Applet. Or it's already done! @-)
Irony is that the PApplet name's gonna be kept after all, even though it's no an Applet anymore! :^o
BtW, here's the source code for PApplet's callback functions setup(), draw() & mousePressed():
As we can all notice, even though they're regular Java methods, they act more like
1s that need to be@Override
for any "sketch" inheriting them! (~~)what is more correct? Diagram2, Diagram3 or Diagram5?
i don't understand your sentence (sry, my english is bad:/):
can you say it with other words?
i know, but i show only the methods which are in my sketch (see in code) ;)
attachment: Diagram5

In Java,
methods are a kinda contract between a parent class & its children.It means the children classes are obliged to implement those inherited methods by themselves.
What I meant was that even though they're not
per se, they act as if they were so,b/c we should implement them in our "sketches" anyways!
Well, a Processing "sketch"
processing.core.PApplet class.So yes, they've got access to everything non-
that a PApplet got!Processing's IDE doesn't allow us to choose a
.So all "sketches" belong to a kinda "default"
!He advises you to stop at PApplet and not go up from there for your own sanity's sake! =))
@3. ok, and what is this "default"
? --> is it this? https://github.com/processing/processing/tree/master/core/src/processing/core ...or only thisprocessing.core.PApplet
?A) i also tryed this:
but i can not find any "default" package from my sketch.. ? somebodey an idea?
the uncomment lines doesn't work.
B) line 17 and 18 have different results. why?
C) i don't understand it, yet. so: what is more correct? Diagram2, Diagram3, Diagram4 or Diagram5?
Diagram 4 seems more correct IMO!
It's a nickname for when a particular
doesn't affiliate to anypackage
names aren't inherited. Although a "sketch" is a PApplet, it doesn't belong to "processing.core"!Each class or interface can choose its own or none ("default")! O:-)
thanks GToLoop!
i should it correct for my project in school ;)
again (last (hope :D)): what is better:

or Diagram7:

I'll go w/ diagram #6. Although I believe you should display the fact that PApplet's setup(), draw() & mousePressed() methods are all being overridden, that is reimplemented, @ its subclass sketch_142383a! :-?
thnks, ;)
do you mean this? (see the part with the round arrow)
is that right? #-o
or is that right?

hello folks @-)
I've already said I'd prefer diagram #6!
You should avoid mentioning methods & fields that aren't explicitly written in the sketch!
yes but my question was: how should i display this fact...
I dunno UML, hence dunno how's the right way to express polymorphism/method overriding! /:)
Mebe just repeat the overridden methods inside the subclass w/ a minus sign or something! :-??
it is a public package-import? :-?
then it is right to make a dashed arrow with << import >> (see Diagram9)