How do I create sinusoidal movement at an angle?

edited September 2014 in Questions about Code

This one's been eating away at me! Seems so simple but I can't get it to work. So if I have a particle traveling at 3 pixels per frame at a 60 degree angle away from the center point of the sketch, the code looks something like this (this is a simplified version):

float velocity = 3;
float angle = 60;
PVector position = (width/2, height/2);

void draw() {
    position.x += cos(angle) * velocity;
    position.y += sin(angle) * velocity;
    point(position.x, position.y);

However, when I try to make the particle oscillate up and down at right angles from the current trajectory, I can't seem to make it work! This is what I tried. It seemed to make sense but it doesn't give me a proper sine wave:

float velocity = 3;
float angle = 60;
float t = 0; // Time
float amplitude = 20; // Amplitude of sine wave
PVector position = (width/2, height/2);

void draw() {
    position.x += cos(angle) * velocity;
    position.y += sin(angle) * velocity;
    position.x += (cos(angle +90)) * sin(t) * amplitude;
    position.y += (sin(angle +90)) * sin(t) * amplitude;
    point(position.x, position.y);

My math skills aren't the best, so I'm hoping I'm missing something basic and that an intelligent forum-goer can assist me! Thank you in advance!


  • Answer ✓

    "this is a simplified version"
    It wouldn't take much more work to make a "runnable" version...

    float velocity = 3;
    float angle = 60;
    PVector position;
    void setup()
      size(800, 800);
      position = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
    void draw() 
      position.x += cos(angle) * velocity;
      position.y += sin(angle) * velocity;
      point(position.x, position.y);

    If I understand correctly your request, you must add an orthogonal vector to the current position of the vector.

    float velocity = 1;
    float angle = 60;
    float t = 0; // Time
    float amplitude = 20; // Amplitude of sine wave
    PVector center, position;
    void setup()
      size(800, 800);
      center = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
      position = center.get();
    void draw() 
      position.x += cos(angle) * velocity;
      position.y += sin(angle) * velocity;
      PVector a = perpendicular(PVector.sub(position, center, null));
      a.mult(sin(t) * amplitude);
      point(position.x + a.x, position.y + a.y);
      t += PI / 12;
    PVector perpendicular(PVector v)
      return new PVector(-v.y, v.x);
  • edited September 2014

    I've refactored @PhiLho's example for better performance! :ar!

    // how-do-i-create-sinusoidal-movement-at-an-angle
    // by Hendeca, mods PhiLho & GoToLoop - 2014/Sep
    static final float VEL = 1.5, ANG = 60.0, AMP = 30.0;
    static final float VEL_X = VEL*cos(ANG), VEL_Y = VEL*sin(ANG);
    float t;
    final PVector center  = new PVector(), pos = new PVector();
    final PVector perpend = new PVector();
    void setup() {
      size(600, 400, JAVA2D);
      center.set(width, height*.75);
    void draw() {
      pos.add(VEL_X, VEL_Y, 0);
      if (pos.x<0 | pos.y<0)  pos.set(center);
      PVector.sub(pos, center, perpend).set(-perpend.y, perpend.x);
      perpend.setMag(AMP*sin(t += PI/12.0));
      point(pos.x+perpend.x, pos.y+perpend.y);
  • Thank you both very much! I have yet to implement your code, but I worked it out on paper and I'm very impressed by the elegance of it! Didn't think of that as a way to get the perpendicular velocity vector.

    I am still a bit curious, however, as to why the calculation I did didn't work. Essentially I did the same calculation I did to the Particle's velocity vector, but using the amplitude instead of velocity and using the angle of the Particle + 90 degrees. Just wondering if anyone knows why that didn't work.

    Thank you for this solution! Going to try to implement it now!

  • edited September 2014

    Outta curiosity's sake, converted the example to "mode":
    Very disappointed b/c I can't specify a whole RGB value & Vector there doesn't have a 3rd "target" parameter!

    // how-do-i-create-sinusoidal-movement-at-an-angle
    // by Hendeca, mods PhiLho & GoToLoop - 2014/Sep
    var VEL = 1.5, ANG = 60, AMP = 30, STEP = PI/12;
    var VEL_X = VEL*cos(ANG), VEL_Y = VEL*sin(ANG);
    var t = 0;
    var center  = createVector(), pos = createVector();
    var perpend = createVector();
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(600, 400);
      center.set(width, height*.75);
    function draw() {
      pos.add(VEL_X, VEL_Y);
      if (pos.x<0 | pos.y<0)  pos.set(center);
        .set(-perpend.y, perpend.x)
          .setMag(AMP*sin(t += STEP));
      point(pos.x+perpend.x, pos.y+perpend.y);
  • I'd say that your first problem was that you were trying to use degrees (60, 90) in the trig functions when they are expecting radians.

  • edited September 2014

    Just for completeness' sake, same code now in "CoffeeScript Mode": :>

    # how-do-i-create-sinusoidal-movement-at-an-ang
    # by Hendeca, mods PhiLho & GoToLoop - 2014/Sep
    VEL = 1.5; ANG = 60; AMP = 30; STEP = Processing::PI/12
    VEL_X = VEL*Math.cos ANG; VEL_Y = VEL*Math.sin ANG
    t = 0
    center  = new Processing::PVector; pos = new Processing::PVector
    perpend = new Processing::PVector
    setup: ->
      size 600, 400, JAVA2D; smooth 4; frameRate 60
      strokeWeight 4; stroke -1
      center.set width, height*.75, 0
    draw: ->
      pos.add VEL_X, VEL_Y, 0
      pos.set center  if pos.x<0 | pos.y<0
      perpend.set pos; perpend.sub center
      perpend.set -perpend.y, perpend.x, 0
      do perpend.normalize; perpend.mult AMP*sin t += STEP
      background 0
      point pos.x+perpend.x, pos.y+perpend.y
  • "for better performance"
    Very funny. :-)

    Anyway, good idea to use setMag in place of normalize() and mult() sequence.

  • edited September 2014

    HEHE! I still had to use normalize() + mult() in "CoffeeScript Mode".
    B/c the processing.js v1.4.1 it's based upon doesn't have setMag()! :(
    And neither p5js nor "JS & CS Modes" got PVector methods w/ a 3rd "target" parameter! X(

  • If I understand correctly your request, you must add an orthogonal vector to the current position of the vector.

    Thanks PhiLho! Your solution worked for me :] Very elegant! It makes a lot of sense and is much simpler than what I was doing before. Thanks also to GoToLoop for offering some changes and alternatives. Really appreciate your help! I got the sinusoidal movement working very quickly once I understood the concept of creating a perpendicular vector, normalizing it, and multiplying it by the velocity. This also works well with the code I had before in that I wasn't using a PVector for my velocity value but rather just a float value that can be applied to the angle of the particle.

    I haven't taken the time to try the other versions of the code that GoToLoop offered, but I'd like to look through them more when I finish my current project! Thank you!

  • edited September 2014

    I haven't taken the time to try the other versions of the code that GoToLoop offered,...

    For the p5js example, you can go to, choose some of its reference functions,
    like for example, click the "edit" button and paste the code there,
    replacing the original. Then click at "run" button and watch it working inside your browser! (*)

    For the CS latest example, you gotta install "CoffeeScript Mode" from Processing's IDE. Choose "Add Mode...".
    Select CS Mode and paste the code there. Make sure it's using a 2-space indentation.
    Press Run and your default browser will open up and run your CS code compiled already as JS,
    running from a local server provided by the IDE itself! :ar!

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