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Hello! I got a trouble with this code, and it's that I can play a random video, but, unfortunatelly, it's only listened the audio and can't see the image of the video
import processing.video.*;
String[] one = {"sexy.mov", "ciudad.mov", "despertador.mov", "recuerdo.mov"};
Movie MiPeli;
void setup()
size(426, 240);
void draw()
// image(MiPeli, 0, 0);
void movieEvent(Movie m)
void mousePressed()
MiPeli = new Movie(this, one[int(random(one.length))]);
image(MiPeli, 0, 0);
void mouseReleased()
Hope your help Thanks ;)
Ohh! Thank you very much **GoToLoop **, but there's another trouble with the library.
I'm using Windows 7, Intel, with RADEON graphics and 2.2.1 version of Processing. I got this problem some days ago, and I update the drivers of the graphics card and the last version of java.
Copy-paste the post:
"A library used by this sketch is not installed properly A library relies on native code that's not available. Or only works properly when the sketch is run as a 64-bit application."
What I can do? Thanks :P