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I have just started looking to see if my libraries and tools will work with Processing V3. So far so good, although the tests are not exhaustive everything I have tried to date works with one exception, the GUI Builder tool.
I will describe how it works with 2.1.1 and then explain my problem
If you start Processing 2.1.1 you get an empty sketch. If you then launch GUI Builder it will look in the sketch folder for a file called 'gui.pde'. If it can't find this tab, it will copy the file 'gui.pde' from the tools data folder into the sketch using the addFile() method from the Sketch class. The tab is then visible in the PDE and exists in the sketch folder (can be seen with a file manager). The GUI Builder window will then open ready for use.
When I launch GUI Builder in V3.0a3 the sketch fails to add the file. The tab will not appear and the 'gui.pde' file is not copied and the GUI Builder window fails to open.
In the console window I get the stack trace shown below which indicates that it can't find 'gui.pde' in the sketch folder BUT then it gets interesting.
If I save the sketch, shut down Processing and relaunch it. When I open the sketch the gui tab is there and when I launch GUI Builder its window appears.
I believe the problem is associated with a new feature in 3.0 that detects when changes are made to the sketch from an external editor.
Typical usage of the tool means the user moving back and forth between the GUI Builder window and the PDE.
When the user goes
GUI Builder >> PDE the tool regenerates the code in the gui tab to reflect the current GUI design.
PDE >> GUI Builder the tool captures the user's source code inside the event handlers, so that it is not lost between GUI edits.
Processing treats the GUI tool as an external editor so whenever the user goes GUI Builder >> PDE it pops up with a dialog box asking whether to reload the sketch.
Any suggestions as to how I might overcome this problem?
Could not createInput() for /var/folders/m1/0yj_65bx2_l9x55jn9b8q0600000gn/T/untitled1076262530571752987sketches/sketch_140904a/gui.pde
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/folders/m1/0yj_65bx2_l9x55jn9b8q0600000gn/T/untitled1076262530571752987sketches/sketch_140904a/gui.pde (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
It would be a shame if GUI Builder bites the dust when V3 is released so any ideas?