connecting a line to a sphere

Hey everybody! I am quite new to processing and I'm desperatly trying to connect the two systems in my code with
each other: one is a swarming system and the other is an arraylist containing spheres; what i am trying to do is to draw the lines between te spheres, can anybody help me, please! i am greatful for any advise! thanks!

            import toxi.geom.*;
            import controlP5.*;
            import peasy.*;

            PeasyCam cam;

            ArrayList manyPams;

            //ControlP5 MControl;
            int bColor = 100;
            float envSize = 300;

            void setup(){
            size (800,800,P3D);
            cam = new PeasyCam(this,800);

            manyPams = new ArrayList();
            //MControl = new ControlP5(this);

            //Slider s = MControl.addSlider("bColor", 0, 255, 100, 10,10, 120,20); 

            for(int i = 0; i < 800; i++){

            Vec3D o = new Vec3D(random(-envSize,envSize),random(-envSize,envSize),random(-envSize,envSize));  
            //Vec3D v = new Vec3D(random(-5,5),random(-5,5),random(-5,5));
            Pam myPam = new Pam(o);       //--> calls myBall(instance) from class ball

            void draw(){

            for(int i = 0; i < manyPams.size() ; i++){
              Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);


            class Pam {
            // GLOBAL VARIABLES

            float velX = random(-3,3);
            float velY = random(-3,3);

            Vec3D pos = new Vec3D (random(-3,3),random(-4,4),random(-10,10));
            Vec3D vel = new Vec3D (random(-3,3),random(-4,4),random(-10,10));
            Vec3D acc = new Vec3D ();
            Vec3D grav = new Vec3D (0,0.2,0);

            Pam (Vec3D _pos){

                pos = _pos;


            void run(){
              bounce ();
              //gravity ();

            void flock(){

            void alignment(float magnitude){
             Vec3D steer = new Vec3D();
              int count = 0;

              for(int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++){
                Pam o = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection

                float distance = pos.distanceTo(o.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements

                  if(distance > 0  && distance < 40) {

                   steer.addSelf(o.vel);                         //-->ad vel = ad direction to function


               if(count < 0){

            void cohesion(float magnitude){

               Vec3D sum = new Vec3D();
              int count = 0;

              for(int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++){
                Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection

                float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements

                  if(distance > 0  && distance < 30) {


                  if(count > 0){                                  //--> average
                  Vec3D steer = sum.sub(pos);                      //--> line between our pos and the target.. towards 


            void separate(float magnitude){                       //--> separation

              Vec3D steer = new Vec3D();
              int count = 0;

              for(int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++){
                Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
                float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements

                  if(distance > 0 && distance < 30) {
                    Vec3D diff = pos.sub(mP.pos);              //--> makes vector moving away
                    diff.normalizeTo(1.0/distance);               //--> scale it to the distance... smooth

                    steer.addSelf(diff);                          //--> add the diff vector to the empty vector


              if(count > 0){

            void lineBetween(){
              // go through ballCollection
              for(int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++){
              Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);           //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
              float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);           //--> distance from ball to all the other elements
                if(distance > 0 && distance < 100) {
                  line(pos.x, pos.y, mP.pos.x, mP.pos.y);

            void bounce(){
            /**if(pos.x > width){
              vel.x = vel.x *-1;
              if(pos.x < 0){
              vel.x = vel.x *-1;
              if(pos.y > height){
              vel.y = vel.y *-1;
              if(pos.y < 0){
              vel.y = vel.y *-1;

              if(pos.x > envSize) pos.x = pos.x - envSize*2; 
                if(pos.x < -envSize) pos.x = pos.x + envSize*2;
                if(pos.y > envSize) pos.y = pos.y - envSize*2;
                if(pos.y < -envSize) pos.y = pos.y + envSize*2;
                if(pos.z > envSize) pos.z = pos.z -envSize*2;
                if(pos.z < -envSize) pos.z = pos.z + envSize*2;

            void move(){

            void display(){
               translate(pos.x, pos.y,pos.z);

![image alt text](![image alt text](--))


  • you can use ctrl-t in the IDE of processing to auto-format your code

    I am not sure if I understand your code (which is my fault, the code is very good).

    you wrote

    one is a swarming system and the other is an arraylist containing spheres

    where can I see this in the code?

    Pam / manyPams are the swarm.

    Where is the ArrayList of spheres?

    Also the image didn't get through, the way you formatted it it's part of the code


  • edited September 2014


    inside your function "lineBetween", try to replace this line

    line(pos.x, pos.y, mP.pos.x, mP.pos.y);

    by this line

    line(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, mP.pos.x, mP.pos.y, mP.pos.z);

    because sphere and all the stuff in your code are in 3D, then the "line" function should be called with XYZ arguments and not only XY

  • in this version we have connections

    it's rather slow now.........

    see **** in draw()

    import toxi.geom.*;
    import controlP5.*;
    import peasy.*;
    PeasyCam cam;
    ArrayList manyPams;
    //ControlP5 MControl;
    int bColor = 100;
    float envSize = 300;
    void setup() {
      size (800, 800, P3D);
      cam = new PeasyCam(this, 800);
      manyPams = new ArrayList();
      //MControl = new ControlP5(this);
      //Slider s = MControl.addSlider("bColor", 0, 255, 100, 10,10, 120,20); 
      for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++) {
        Vec3D o = new Vec3D(random(-envSize, envSize), random(-envSize, envSize), random(-envSize, envSize));  
        //Vec3D v = new Vec3D(random(-5,5),random(-5,5),random(-5,5));
        Pam myPam = new Pam(o);       //--> calls myBall(instance) from class ball
    void draw() {
      for (int i = 0; i < manyPams.size() ; i++) {
        Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);;
      // *************************************************
      for (int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++) {
        for (int j =0; j < manyPams.size(); j++) {
          if (i!=j) {
            Pam o = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
            Pam o2 = (Pam) manyPams.get(j);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
            stroke(255, 0, 0);
            line (o.pos.x, o.pos.y, o.pos.z, 
            o2.pos.x, o2.pos.y, o2.pos.z);
      // *************************************************
    class Pam {
      float velX = random(-3, 3);
      float velY = random(-3, 3);
      Vec3D pos = new Vec3D (random(-3, 3), random(-4, 4), random(-10, 10));
      Vec3D vel = new Vec3D (random(-3, 3), random(-4, 4), random(-10, 10));
      Vec3D acc = new Vec3D ();
      Vec3D grav = new Vec3D (0, 0.2, 0);
      Pam (Vec3D _pos) {
        pos = _pos;
      void run() {
        bounce ();
        //gravity ();
      void flock() {
      void alignment(float magnitude) {
        Vec3D steer = new Vec3D();
        int count = 0;
        for (int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++) {
          Pam o = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
          float distance = pos.distanceTo(o.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements
            if (distance > 0  && distance < 40) {
            steer.addSelf(o.vel);                         //-->ad vel = ad direction to function
        if (count < 0) {
      void cohesion(float magnitude) {
        Vec3D sum = new Vec3D();
        int count = 0;
        for (int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++) {
          Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
          float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements
            if (distance > 0  && distance < 30) {
        if (count > 0) {                                  //--> average
        Vec3D steer = sum.sub(pos);                      //--> line between our pos and the target.. towards 
      void separate(float magnitude) {                       //--> separation
        Vec3D steer = new Vec3D();
        int count = 0;
        for (int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++) {
          Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);        //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
          float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);       //--> distance from ball to all the other elements
            if (distance > 0 && distance < 30) {
            Vec3D diff = pos.sub(mP.pos);              //--> makes vector moving away
            diff.normalizeTo(1.0/distance);               //--> scale it to the distance... smooth
            steer.addSelf(diff);                          //--> add the diff vector to the empty vector
        if (count > 0) {
      void lineBetween() {
        // go through ballCollection
        for (int i =0; i < manyPams.size(); i++) {
          Pam mP = (Pam) manyPams.get(i);           //--> call other = one element from the whole collection
          float distance = pos.distanceTo(mP.pos);           //--> distance from ball to all the other elements
          if (distance > 0 && distance < 100) {
            line(pos.x, pos.y, mP.pos.x, mP.pos.y);
      void bounce() {
        /**if(pos.x > width){
         vel.x = vel.x *-1;
         if(pos.x < 0){
         vel.x = vel.x *-1;
         if(pos.y > height){
         vel.y = vel.y *-1;
         if(pos.y < 0){
         vel.y = vel.y *-1;
        if (pos.x > envSize) pos.x = pos.x - envSize*2; 
        if (pos.x < -envSize) pos.x = pos.x + envSize*2;
        if (pos.y > envSize) pos.y = pos.y - envSize*2;
        if (pos.y < -envSize) pos.y = pos.y + envSize*2;
        if (pos.z > envSize) pos.z = pos.z -envSize*2;
        if (pos.z < -envSize) pos.z = pos.z + envSize*2;
      void move() {
      void display() {
        translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    //![image alt text](![image alt text](--))
  • By the way, I think that 800 sphere is a bit too much to do what you want. Because each sphere compute its distance relative to other sphere, then it represents 800 x 800 = 640 000 computations for each frame - it's a lot ! - , then it probably represents thousands of new lines for each frame. It could work if you want to render your movie frame by frame and then make a frame-sequence with it, but I'm almost sure it will run very slowly in real time.

  • edited September 2014

    Actually, you maybe can do it if you create a "quadtree" in 3D. It means that you have to represents the world-space as a "virtual-abstract-cube" composed of smaller "virtual-abstract-cube" that contain some spheres.

    For example a cube of 10x10x10

    Then you have to find all the cubes containing some spheres, and for each of them (cube), you can now apply the distance computation for the sphere contained in it.

    It may be looks a bit complicated but the amount of computations fall down if you do that because you're only checking the sphere relative to other spheres that are close to the first one. From 640 000 computation, it could fall down to 5-6000 I think (it depends on the size of your world-space but I count 7-8 spheres close to each sphere )

    The amount of computation the QuadTree3D need is not so huge, it represents a few lines using the modulo operator to divide the space/position XYZ into small parts and know in what cube is located each sphere

    Good luck !

  • edited September 2014

    I did an example because it's not so obvious, and it runs perfectly with 800 3D objects that move in the same time ! :D

    In my example, I use spheres with the lowest level of quality (then it draw something like a tetrahedron instead of a sphere) because I'm working on laptop and sphere was too complex with its CPU. You need just to change the sphereDetail to adjust the "resolution" of the sphere.

    Here the code :

    SphereObj[] spheres;
    Quadtree3D quadtree;
    void setup(){
     spheres = new SphereObj[800];
     for(int i=0;i<800;i++) spheres[i] = new SphereObj(i,random(-width/2,width/2),random(-height/2,height/2),random(-500,500),15+random(50),parseFloat(width),parseFloat(height),1000);
     quadtree = new Quadtree3D(10,10,10,width,height,1000,800,30,spheres);
    void draw(){
     float rx = mouseX * PI/180;
     float ry = mouseY * PI/180;
     int i;
     SphereObj s;
       s = spheres[i];
    class AbstractCube {
     int nbSphereMaxByCube;
     int startId;
     int currentId = 0;
     int id;
     int[] allIndexs;
     Boolean used = false;
     AbstractCube(int cubeId,int startIndex,int nbMaxByCube,int[] allSphereIndexs){
       nbSphereMaxByCube = nbMaxByCube;
       startId = startIndex;
       allIndexs = allSphereIndexs; 
       id = cubeId;
     void addSphere(int sphereId){
       if(currentId < nbSphereMaxByCube){
         allIndexs[parseInt(startId + currentId)] = sphereId; 
     void reset(){
       used = false;
       currentId = 0; 
    class Quadtree3D {
     AbstractCube[][][] map3D;
     AbstractCube[] allCubes;
     SphereObj[] allSpheres;
     int [] cubeWithSpheres; 
     int [] allSphereIndexs;
     int nbCubeWithSphere = 0;
     int nbTotalCube;
     int nbDivX;
     int nbDivY;
     int nbDivZ;
     float divX;
     float divY;
     float divZ;
     float sw2;
     float sh2;
     float sd2;
     Quadtree3D(int divisionX,int divisionY,int divisionZ,int screenW,int screenH,int screenD,int nbSphereTotal,int nbMaxSphereByCube, SphereObj[] spheres){
       map3D = new AbstractCube[divisionX][][];
       nbTotalCube = divisionX*divisionY*divisionZ;
       allCubes = new AbstractCube[nbTotalCube];
       cubeWithSpheres = new int[nbTotalCube];
       allSpheres = spheres;
       int x,y,z;
       int count = 0;
       nbDivX = divisionX;
       nbDivY = divisionY;
       nbDivZ = divisionZ;
       divX = screenW / divisionX;
       divY = screenH / divisionY;
       divZ = screenD / divisionZ;
       sw2 = screenW / 2;
       sh2 = screenH / 2;
       sd2 = screenD / 2;
       int nbIndexs = nbTotalCube * (nbMaxSphereByCube);
       allSphereIndexs = new int[nbIndexs];
       for(x=0;x<nbIndexs;x++) allSphereIndexs[x] = 0;
       AbstractCube c;
          map3D[x] = new AbstractCube[divisionY][];
             map3D[x][y] = new AbstractCube[divisionZ];
                 c = new AbstractCube(count,count * nbMaxSphereByCube,nbMaxSphereByCube,allSphereIndexs);
                 map3D[x][y][z] = c;
                 allCubes[count] = c;
     void reset(){
        nbCubeWithSphere = 0;
        int i;
        for(i=0;i<nbTotalCube;i++) allCubes[i].reset();
     void findCubeContainer(SphereObj s){
        int px = floor((s.x + sw2) / divX);
        int py = floor((s.y + sh2) / divY);
        int pz = floor((s.z + sd2) / divZ);
        if(px >= nbDivX || py >= nbDivY || pz >= nbDivZ) return;
        //println(+" : "+floor((s.y + sh2) / divY)+" : "+floor((s.z + sd2) / divZ));
        AbstractCube cube = map3D[px][py][pz];
           cubeWithSpheres[nbCubeWithSphere++] =;
           cube.used = true;
     void drawLineBetween(){
      int i,j,k,nbSphere,cubeStartId;
      AbstractCube cube;
      SphereObj s1;
      SphereObj s2;
        cube = allCubes[cubeWithSpheres[i]];
        cubeStartId = cube.startId;
        nbSphere = cube.currentId;
          s1 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + j)]];
              s2 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + k)]];
              if(s1 == s2) continue;
              if(s1.collide(s2)) line(s1.x,s1.y,s1.z,s2.x,s2.y,s2.z);
    class SphereObj {
     float x;
     float y;
     float z;
     float radius;
     float angleXY;
     float speedXY;
     float angleZ;
     float speedZ;
     float sinusoidDepthRadius;
     float sw;
     float sh;
     float sd;
     float sw2;
     float sh2;
     float sd2;
     int id;
     SphereObj(int index,float px, float py, float pz, float sphereRadius,float screenW,float screenH,float screenDepth){
        id = index;
        x = px;
        y = py;
        z = pz;
        radius = sphereRadius;
        angleXY = random(PI*2);
        angleZ = random(PI*2);
        speedXY = random(-0.02,0.02);
        speedZ = (PI/180 * 0.02)+random(PI/180 * 0.5);
        sinusoidDepthRadius = 2+random(5);
        sw = screenW;
        sw2 = sw/2;
        sh = screenH;
        sh2 = sh/2;
        sd = screenDepth;
        sd2 = sd/2;
     void update(){
        x += cos(angleXY) * speedXY;
        y += sin(angleXY) * speedXY;
        angleZ += speedZ;
        z += sin(angleZ)*sinusoidDepthRadius;
        if(x < -sw2) x += sw;
        else if(x > sw2) x -= sw;
        if(y < -sh2) y += sh;
        else if(y > sh2) y -= sh;
        if(z < -sd2) z += sd;
        else if(z > sd2) z -= sd;
     Boolean collide(SphereObj s){
        float minDist = radius + s.radius;
        float dx = s.x - x;
        float dy = s.y - y;
        float dz = s.z - z;
        float d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
        return d < minDist;
  • edited September 2014

    You need to adjust the amount of space-division and the maximum number of sphere by cube to get the result you need

    I just see that I obtain a better result if I use bigger cube (because there is a larger probabilité that it contains some sphere ; but if you use bigger cube, you need to accept a larger amount of sphere per cube)

    quadtree = new Quadtree3D(3,3,3,width,height,1000,800,100,spheres);

    The first "3,3,3" means "divide the space in 3 parts on the X-axis ; in 3 parts on Y-axis and 3 parts on the Z-axis.

    "width, height, 1000" represents respectivly the width, height and depth of the space-world

    "800" is the amount of spheres

    "100" is the amount maximum of sphere contained by one cube

    In my previous message, my quadtree was instanciate like that

    quadtree = new Quadtree3D(10,10,10,width,height,1000,800,30,spheres);

    so the space was divided in 10x10x10 cubes and each one could store 30 spheres. Bu because sphere are moving and cube are small enough, there is not so much collision detected inside of them. That's why I tryed to reduce the amount of space-division and increase the amount of sphere by cube.

    The results are good enough I think :)

    EDIT : hmmmmm, actually it works really good without a quadtree.... :D Processing is definitly a powerfull tool.

    But the quad tree in that case allow you to choose how much lines you want to draw and still keeping a good repartition of them, then you can keep some ressources for other stuff.

  • @fanthomas your code uses a 3D array of cubes for space partitioning. So this code is not using a quadtree or an octree (3D equivalent cube has 8 children). This could cause confusion if carla_kunterbunt wants to take your suggestion further and does some searching.

    In your code you can replace line 118 with

    map3D = new AbstractCube[divisionX][divisionY][divisionZ];

    and delete lines 147 and 149.

    In the collision detection double loop in lines 202 to 209 inclusive you are doing twice as many tests as necessary and you should replace these lines with

      for (j=0; j<nbSphere-1; j++) {
        s1 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + j)]];
        for (k=j+1; k<nbSphere; k++) {
          s2 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + k)]];
          if (s1.collide(s2)) line(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z, s2.x, s2.y, s2.z);

    You might want to add some comments. :)

  • edited September 2014

    Hello Quark,

    "In your code you can replace line 118"

    Thank you ! I didn't know I could to that :)

    " So this code is not using a quadtree or an octree" You're right, I didn't know that

    "you are doing twice as many tests as necessary " You're right again :)

    for (j=0; j<nbSphere-1; j++) {
      s1 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + j)]];
      for (k=j+1; k<nbSphere; k++) {
        s2 = allSpheres[allSphereIndexs[parseInt(cubeStartId + k)]];
        if (s1.collide(s2)) line(s1.x, s1.y, s1.z, s2.x, s2.y, s2.z);

    Waow ! I'm impressed ! I didn't know that way to process. I used to do more complex stuff to solve this problem. Actually, at the beginning, I was going to tell you "I think your code is incorrect" but when I tryed to explain why it was incorrect, I understood why it was correct :)

    Thanks a lot !

  • edited September 2014

    If you are interested and if you enable applets in your browser here are a couple of examples I created

    City Patrol - simple 2D array cell partitioning (this comes with the AI for Games library)

    Quadtree demonstrator - dynamic quadtree demonstrator. (I have also created a dynamic Octree demonstrator).

    If anyone wants the Octree implementation I am willing to make it available, after I have documented the source code :)

  • I can't see your demo Don't know why but it doen't work (java looks to be enabled....)

    I also made a quadtree before (in AS3)

    it's first time I try to do it in 3D :)

  • guys thank you so much!!! this is really awsome work!! i hope with a litte more nightshifts somehow i can get the coding stuff =) thank you also for the quadtree, i have never used this one before, i will look into it...

    i didn't write the code on my own, it's picked together from different codes and tutorials i found tough;

    one more big THANK YOU!!

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