What books should I read after finishing Getting started with Processing?

This is my Processing-related books wishlist on Amazon.

I am now at half of Getting Started with Processing which I am reading anew even if I already did a Coursera course and some sketches with Processing because I want to have a solid base to start from and anyway I find the book enjoyable and beautifully written.

After this one, which books in the wishlist would you think I could just skip and which others would you instead find consequential?

Which of this books would you suggest having in paper and not only in Kindle version and for what reasons?

Are there other books I should add to the list? Let me know and I will update!


  • The Nature of Code is one of my very favorite books on Processing. Take a look at natureofcode.com for PDF and HTML versions.

    Generative Art is another favorite and Generative Design is wonderful, though expensive.

  • I have read many of the books on that list, although not all were published yet when I started learning to code. I think Daniel Shiffman books are always worth buying, although it must be noted that Daniel is working at the moment on the second edition of the Learning Processing book, so you might want to wait it out until that one arrives. The book Generative Design is the most beautiful book and thus requires a paper version. Form+Code is also a nice little inspiration book to have on paper. The printed quality of the Generative Art book is a bit flimsy, but the content is very interesting as it's approach differs a lot from other books. Note that Matt also published a more essayistic book called Novelty Waves, which I haven't gotten/read yet, but you can get here. I personally also found Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists to be useful for learning small code examples when I just started coding. The handbook is a very large collection of small code examples and Learning Processing is more a structured book to learn the basics of coding. Both are good for learning Processing coding basics in general. Whereas Generative Art and Generative Design are more books that inspire and also practically show exploratory code by specific examples in the area of generative art/design. Visualizing Data and Sonifying Processing are of course specialist topics. Note that the examples for several books are included in the Processing download.


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