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Any suggestions on porting my existing Processing for Android app/code to iOS native Objective C?
There's j2ObjC tool from google (https://code.google.com/p/j2objc/), anyone had experience with this?
Any expert opinions will be greatly appreciated!
Generally, to translate code from one language to another, you translate what the code is doing instead of trying to translate it line-by-line. In other words, you have to rewrite your program in the target language instead of trying to automatically translate each line.
You might want to check out RoboVM though: http://www.robovm.org/
has anyone done this yet?
@Fader: strange because i have exactly the same problem, as people ask me for "translating" my android apps in ios... As for that i downloaded & installed 2 days ago (eclipse) j2objc (mac osX); it seems to work, i mean that i get .h but till now i have only tried with very simple things and i cannot tell wether it is the true solution, which, i am afraid, could be just as KevinWorkman says to learn objectiveC...
Since last posted this question, I have done some digging and the best solution for porting to iOS, at least in this case for my own project, is to re-write the app in openFrameworks.
@Fader 2 other possibilities: codename one (but compiler is on line...), open source that i have added to eclipse but not yet tried neomad, which also is free & opensource, compiler not allways on line but i have opened Xcode!!! openFrameworks, why not... tell me the result!
A while ago I did a test import of a .pde file (very simple) into Procoding running on an iPad and it worked first time. Will be testing how good it might be for a largish project soon. That would allow to still code on the Processing IDE and then just open into Procoding to run on iOS ... or at least that's the plan.. :)
Procoding is based on ProcessingJS , then you can only work with ProcessingJs or write a compatible code
@Fader== i have installed neomades and coded successfully a very simple app for iOS which runs... Of course it's necessary to have a look at the API, but it's not very different from android