HashMap "String, color"

edited August 2014 in Questions about Code

Hi All!

I get unexpected token: > at line 3. Why?

class Mix {

  private HashMap<String, color> hm = new HashMap<String, color>();

  hm.put("910", color(232, 200, 95));
  hm.put("930", color(227, 189, 96));
  hm.put("960", color(212, 131, 92));


PS: is there an escape character to use greater/less than symbols in the question title?


  • Answer ✓

    color is Processing specific and when converting to java code it is replaced in the preprocessor by int, which is a primitive dataype, not an Object. You need an Object type, so in this case that would be Integer. The corrected line is thus:

    HashMap <String, Integer> hm = new HashMap <String, Integer> ();

    Then to answer your next question: "but now I get unexpected token: ( at line 5. Why?". You can't call methods there. You should format your class properly, by using variables, a constructor and methods. The corrected class is:

    class Mix {
      HashMap <String, Integer> hm;
      Mix() {
        hm = new HashMap <String, Integer> ();
        hm.put("910", color(232, 200, 95));
        hm.put("930", color(227, 189, 96));
        hm.put("960", color(212, 131, 92));
  • edited August 2014 Answer ✓

    A Java's Collection, like Map for example, can't use primitive types!
    In your case, color is a syntactic sugar for primitive int! And its corresponding wrap class is Integer:

    final HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap();

    There's another bug: in order to run statements outside methods, we gotta place them inside curly braces:

    import java.util.Map;
    class Mix {
      final Map<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap();
        hm.put("910", color(232, 200, 95));
        hm.put("930", color(227, 189, 96));
        hm.put("960", color(212, 131, 92));

    Careful that doing so fails in JS Mode, unless it's not a nested class! And Mix is a nested inner class btW! :-SS

    Alternatively, you can use the Processing 2's new class: IntDict, which accepts primitive types as values:

    Although it still uses a HashMap<String, Integer> internally called indices: 8-X

    class Mix {
      final IntDict hm = new IntDict
        (new String[] {
        "910", "930", "960"
      , new color[] {
        color(232, 200, 95), 
        color(227, 189, 96), 
        color(212, 131, 92)

    Is there an escape character to use greater/less than symbols...

    Well, I use &lt; for "less-than" myself! ;;)

    P.S.: An excellent explanation about data-types. Worth the reading: :D

  • edited August 2014

    Those keys "910", "930", "960" can be represented as numbers perfectly.
    So why do you wanna them to be String btW? /:) Isn't an Integer key enough?! L-)

    import java.util.Map;
    class Mix {
      final Map<Integer, Integer> hm = new HashMap();
        hm.put(910, color(232, 200, 95));
        hm.put(930, color(227, 189, 96));
        hm.put(960, color(212, 131, 92));
  • edited August 2014

    BtW, I've found this explanation of mine in some old thread of yours: ;;)

    • Java's Collection containers, for example an ArrayList, can only store object references.
    • We can't store primitives like int or float in them.
    • Unless we use their corresponding primitive wrapper: Integer or Float, etc.
    • Unless it's an immutable class, there's no much logic filling up a Collection w/ the same reference.
    • Before populating a Collection, we gotta add() objects to it. Since it starts off empty!
  • edited August 2014

    All right! Thanks a lot, guys.


    You should format your class properly

    Of course. I forgot you must initilize variables in the constructor.


    Those keys "910", "930", "960" can be represented as numbers perfectly.

    Yes, perfectly true, but these are names in a standard a color model, some of which contain letters. The fact that only names made of digits appear in my example is simple awkwardness on my part for the post.


    I've found this explanation of mine in some old thread of yours

    You bet. That's the thread that got the HashMap thing rolling! I didn't know what that type did before.

    Wrap class... Is a wrap class the one another extends from?

    EDIT: OK I read this and I've understood it. Is this what a wrapper class is also called?

  • edited August 2014

    Of course. I forgot you must...

    "Must" is too strong of a word which rarely happens to be true in programming and anything else btW! :>
    Generally, fields are initialized either "in situ" or further ahead inside a constructor or a delegated method for it.

    However, when a field happens to refer to a data container, it's not such a bad idea to have an initialization block right next to it. Keeping both declarations & initializations close together makes code easier to study too! O:-)

  • Wrap class... Is a wrap class the one another extends from?

    A wrapper class is 1 that encapsulates some data in order to be used in some place which otherwise would be incompatible if used "in natura"!

    More specifically I've meant Java's 8 primitive wrapper classes:

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