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I'm new to programming, and having trouble with a project.
Within an array of squares forming a grid, points passing through the individual squares are intended to change the square's colour (grid.highlight();). The x/y position of the points is used to determine wether they have passed through or not.
When a single point is used, the code works and the square it is passing through will change colour. I cannot, however, figure out how to make multiple points work.
//Array of Boxes
Box[][] grid;
//Array of points
Point[] points;
void setup(){
//Initialise Points
points = new Point[1]; //MORE THAN 1 DOES NOT WORK
for (int i=0; i < points.length; ++i){
points[i] = new Point();
//Initialise Grid
grid = new Box[20][20];
for (int i=0; i<grid.length; ++i){
for (int j=0; j<grid.length; ++j){
grid[i][j] = new Box(i*(width/grid.length),
void draw(){
//Draw points
for (int i=0; i<points.length; ++i){
//Draw Grid
for (int i=0; i<grid.length; ++i){
for (int j=0; j<grid.length; ++j){
//Check intersection -- PROBLEM ARISES HERE
for (int k=0; k<points.length; ++k){
if (points[k].inside(grid[i][j])) {
} else {
//display grid
//Individual box
class Box{
float x,y,w;
color c;
Box (float x_, float y_, float w_) {
x=x_; //X Location
y=y_; //Y Location
w=w_; //Size
//Color changer
void highlight(color c_){
void display() {
// Random xy point
class Point{
float x,y;
float xoff;
float yoff;
float increment;
int c;
color col;
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
xoff = random(10);
yoff = random(10);
increment = random(10)*0.01;
void move(){
x += ( (noise(xoff)-0.5)*20 );
y += ( (noise(yoff)-0.5)*20 );
if (x > width || x < 0){
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
if (y > height || y < 0){
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
xoff += increment;
yoff += increment;
//Cycle HSB colors
void colorcyc(){
c += 3;
if (c > 360){
c = 0;
col = color(c,100,100);
void display(){
//check if inside a box
boolean inside(Box b) {
if (x > b.x && x < (b.x + b.w) &&
y > b.y && y < (b.y + b.w)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
The point.inside(grid[i][j]) call works for an array of 1 point, but not for multiple. Any help would be appreciated!
When you say "it doesn't work", what exactly do you mean? Have you added some print statements to figure out where the program's execution differs from your expectation?
But I'll give you a hint. Look at this chunk of code:
This will only really care about the last Point inside the points array, since you're changing the color every time. It doesn't matter if you changed the color 9 times before, as the 10th color will overwrite all of them. You should think about what exactly you want to happen here. Write it out in English instead of code before trying to write the code.
Ok, so I need to determine if any point is within the box, rather than if each one is.
I need to ask 'if point 0 OR point 1 OR point 2 [...] is inside grid[i][j]', correct?
Edit --
This method works, but is obviously restrictive -
Is there a more elegant solution to this?
Dunno yet how to improve that! But even your original code seems to scream make me shorter ~:>
Perhaps after some refactoring, bugs gonna be easier to spot! :D
I've come up w/ a solution: :D
I've hosted it online too. Although noise() doesn't seem to work well in Processing.js: :-<
And here's the refactored working code: <):)
Damn, half of what you altered there is new to me (PGraphics, PImage, NextPoint: / Break, abstract class. I knew I still had a lot to learn but damn, I'm starting to question just how much I've really learnt in the last two months.
Still, thanks for the advice; it's back to the drawing board for me!
Oops, sorry if that was too much for ya! 8-X
If you still wanna fix your original code, just make sure to draw all empty boxes 1st in 1 separate loop.
Only then in another loop, fillBox() the 1s where a Point isInside()! ;)
As you can see in my version, the whole empty-box grid is 1 PImage acting as a background().
So I don't need the extra loop! Just a
set(0, 0, bg);
or abackground(bg);
statement. :PDon't forget we can learn Processing a lot from its reference page:
And even further by reading this basic Java tutorial:
I worked through Shiffman's 'Learning Processing' over the past few months, but am only just beginning to write my own code. I've dabbled in software with somewhat-related concepts (PureData), so know that the majority of what I need to know is in the reference; that java tutorial should prove most useful though. Thanks!