beat detection sound analysis

edited August 2014 in How To...


Which is the best library to use if you want to detect beats and analyse sound?

As I can see there are these options:

which one is best for the porpuse of analysing sound and detect beats? any example of beat detection through internal mic in my macbook?

any opinion?


  • Hi.

    you can check this video:

    minim and beads have their own beat detection functions, but as you see they are not perfect.

    you could implement beat detection yourself based on FFT.

  • Thanks!

    Yes I saw that one. seams to me that the mimim library are a bit slow on detecting. beards are the one that are reacting most frequent. sonia is not really displayed?

    but common for all of them are at they are kind of out of beat.

    I will look into the link. I dont know if I can make it more accurate myself ...

    any more examples and ideas? I guess a good thing to do is to filter the input so that the beat is more easier detected. I know how to build filters (eq) in Max Msp but not in processing. any way forward there?

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