How do I use Tiled with Processing?

edited August 2014 in Library Questions

I'm a near-total newb to Tiled, and I can't seem to find any information on how to get it to work with Processing. Please keep the answers as simple as possible, since I've been programming for <2 years through self-teaching.

Any help is appreciated :)


  • Answer ✓

    Tiled includes libtiled-java but you will have to integrate it with Processing yourself. The other alternative is to use libGDX which includes support for Tiled maps, but you will no longer be using Processing.

    The far better alternative is to create a simple Tiled map parser and renderer yourself – it will be a great learning experience. Tiled generates a TMX file for your maps and here is the specification. I would recommend by first parsing a simple XML file and then continue adding more features. If you are stuck this tutorial might help you along the way.

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