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Hey guys, I'm experiencing a bit of trouble getting the depth image to produce a silhouette. At the moment it just produces green streaks instead of an outline of the user. Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks in advance, Ryan.
import SimpleOpenNI.*;
PFont font;
ArrayList ballCollection;
Table stateData;
int rowCount;
SimpleOpenNI kinect;
PVector convertedRightHand = new PVector();
//Network Display Soma | Light Blue | Teal | Red | Lavender
color[] SomaScheme = {
#FDE7DC, #74C8CC, #219399, #FF5C74
color[] palette = SomaScheme;
int SomaColour = palette[0];
int ellipseColour = palette[1];
float age;
float degree;
float circleSize = 20;
PImage userImage;
int[] userMap;
PImage rgbImage;
color pixelColor;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
font = loadFont("font18.vlw");
//Initialise Table
stateData = new Table("stateData.tsv");
rowCount = stateData.getRowCount();
//Initialise kinect
kinect = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
// turn on user tracking
userImage=createImage(width, height, RGB);
//Initialise ArrayList
ballCollection = new ArrayList();
//Provide values for x & y
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
float degree = stateData.getFloat(row, 3);
float age = stateData.getFloat(row, 4);
float ellipseX = map(age, 30, 41, 0, width);
float ellipseY = map(degree, 14, 47, 0, height);
String stateName = stateData.getString(row, 2);
Ball myBall = new Ball (ellipseX, ellipseY, circleSize, circleSize, stateName);
void draw() {
runKinect(); //handPosition
for (int i = 0; i < ballCollection.size (); i++) {
Ball myBall = (Ball) ballCollection.get(i);
void onNewUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
println("onNewUser - userId: " + userId);
println("\tstart tracking skeleton");
void onLostUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
println("onLostUser - userId: " + userId);
void onVisibleUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
println("onVisibleUser - userId: " + userId);
void runKinect() {
rgbImage=kinect.rgbImage(); //!!!Silhouette - asinging rgbImage() to rgbImage
PImage depth = kinect.depthImage();
image(depth, 0, 0);
tint(255, 126); // THIS MAY NOT BE NEEDED SOON
IntVector userList = new IntVector(); // make a vector of ints to store the list of users
kinect.getUsers(userList); // write the list of detected users into our vector
for(int y=0;y<kinect.depthHeight();y++){
for(int x=0;x<kinect.depthWidth();x++){
int index=x+y*640;
pixelColor=rgbImage.pixels[index]; //writes pixel colour to pixel array
//Circle Pointer statement
if (userList.size() > 0) { // if we found any users
int userId = userList.get(0); // get the first user
if ( kinect.isTrackingSkeleton(userId)) { // if we’re successfully calibrated
PVector rightHand = new PVector(); // make a vector to store the left hand
float confidence = kinect.getJointPositionSkeleton(userId, // put the position of the left hand into that vector
convertedRightHand = new PVector(); // convert the detected hand position to "projective" coordinates that will match the depth image
kinect.convertRealWorldToProjective(rightHand, convertedRightHand);
fill(255, 0, 0); // and display it
ellipse(convertedRightHand.x, convertedRightHand.y, 10, 10); //pointer for the hovering over ellipses
image(userImage, 0, 0);
Ball class: class Ball {
float x = 0; //declares these variables
float y = 0;
//float speedX = random(-1, 1); //speed not being used
//float speedY = random(-1, 1); //speed not being used
float circleSizeX;
float circleSizeY;
boolean over = false;
boolean drag = false;
String name;
Ball(float tempX, float tempY, float tempcircleSizeX, float tempcircleSizeY, String n) { //Necessary to build the object, provides function arguments and can give 'setup' values that happens just once when called
x = tempX; //intialises these variables so that they can be accessed anywhere
y = tempY;
circleSizeX = tempcircleSizeX;
circleSizeY = tempcircleSizeY;
name = n;
void run() { //user function but standard?. used to describe behaviour in this case anyway
//display - here Jose is listing all of the behaviours he wants the sketch to include
display(); //this is already written below so refer to it as a methodr
void display() { //this is a user function but seems to be pretty standard.
if (over) {
text(name, x, y+3);
ellipse(x, y, circleSizeX, circleSizeY);
void over() {
//if (dist (x, y, mouseX, mouseY) < circleSize/2){
if (dist (x, y, convertedRightHand.x, convertedRightHand.y) < circleSize/2){
over = true;
over = false;
I didn't go through all of your code, but I noticed one thing that might help. The length of the userMap array should be the same as the userImage pixel array. So, you don't need x & y for loops when creating the silhouette. Something like this would work better:
Also, if you're trying to align the rgb and depth images, make sure you add the point to depth function in your setup:
Hey @Hunter, thanks for you reply man - that makes a lot of sense really. I've made the changes you suggested and keep getting returned an EOF error. Any chance you know why that would be? I've checked the {} etc but can't seem to work it out. Thanks for your help! Ryan
Here's the updated code: import SimpleOpenNI.*; PFont font;
you got an extra closing bracket right above the
//Circle Pointer statement
commentAlso a few more tips for you. Use lots of TABS, makes things easier to find and read. You also might want to try adding the PDE X programming mode. It adds in some cool debugging features that help find mistakes like the one above. You can add contributed modes by selecting "Add Mode..." from the Mode menu in the upper-right corner of the PDE.
You're a legend man, thank you so much! I found an extra reference for anyone else experiencing this issue which basically seems reiterate what Hunter was saying: http://blog.3dsense.org/programming/programming-for-kinect-4-kinect-app-with-skeleton-tracking-openni-2-0/ Cheers, Ryan
Hello Ryan,
I am experiencing a similar problem. Did you finally solved the problem? I´ll appreciate some help!
If anyone know how to draw a bonding box around the extracted human silhouette? and out put the width and height of BB?
Hello !
You should use a "marching square" algorithm to extract the silhouette from the background.
When you will get the positions of each pixel on the border of the silhouette (from Marching Square), you would have to loop on them to define minimal x-position, minimal y-position, maximal x-position, maximal y-position, and then you'll have your bounding box.
Good luck !
If you do not need a very accurate result, there is an easier way to do it :
But marching-square method is better and probably faster, and not so complex to understand, you definitly should look at it
Thanks tlecoz !! I want to have exact measurements
where can I find the marching square implementation for kinect depth ? I searched on google. i`m unable to find it still