simpleopenni w kinect model 1414 vs 1473

edited July 2014 in Kinect

has anyone else run into the issue of not being able to use simplopenni with the xbox360 kinect model 1473? apparently, i've been using the model 1414s for a while now... model 1473 showed up about a year ago (i just received my first one) and doesn't seem to like the mac...

an openframeworks solution to libfreenect by oftheo seems to be the most promising lead but not sure about applying it to simpleopenni

somebody else recently posted about the issue with all the log details on the simpleopenni page...


a side note, haven't had this experience but read that if you have the 1414 and plug it into your xbox, the firmware will be automatically updated to that of the 1473.


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