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I have been using the OpenCV library listed in the official Processing libraries page and have found it to be somehow deprecated as of the new Processing distribution. It also only implements OpenCV at a 1.0 level as I understand anyways so a new one must be found.
There are at least 2 new libraries for Processing that implement OpenCV:
One by "atduskgreg" -- https://github.com/atduskgreg/opencv-processing
And another, "JavacvPro" -- http://www.mon-club-elec.fr/pmwiki_reference_lib_javacvPro/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Presentation
Has anyone tried these any which do you prefer?
I am a native English speaker and am looking to route in all types of Syphon feeds to take advantage of as many functions as possible.
I still have / want to work more with OpenCV someday (so much to do, so little time) so I can't help you out yet. However I would like to ask you to just try it yourself (apparantly nobody is replying so far) and post your findings here. I think it would be very interesting for future users, at least personally I would find it interesting to hear your findings! :)
I definitely will be exploring and reporting on this more!
I can recommend https://github.com/atduskgreg/opencv-processing
The libarary atduskgreg is one of the best opencv library out there. I have worked with it before. It pretty simple to install and implement. Let me know if you need any help.
I found this library, atduskgreg, hard to install.
What folder from within the distribution do you put in your library?
I found no instructions from the site. You figure you would put the entire folder in the libraries but none of the sketches call on the library "gab" properly. I have other 3rd party libraries installed just fine so I'm sure it's pointing in the right direction.
I tried running this folder in many positions, in 32 and 64 bit mode, but found no luck.
Can you please help me understand how to install this properly?
Thank you,
Two ways:
Got it, the installer made quick work of it
I would like to see about getting a syphon feed into OpenCV correctly.
I tried a few paths last night and was able to apply image filters (threshold, contrast, etc) to the Syphon feed but not able to take it further and draw contours for image for instance.
I was able to call a contour function but it draws it only on some mouse related graphics on top.
How should I go about directing the Syphon feed into this OpenCV library?
Main Body
"Syphon Class"
The "contours = opencv.findContours();" call should be put in draw() not setup(). That fixed it