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Hello, my question is very close of the previous post about camera position, but the result is not what I think about the result wish. I make a code to move the eye camera around the the scene, but I have a problem with size of the scene. Because the position between the eye and the scene is the same, but the sphere change size...is weird !
color rouge, noir, blanc ;
void setup()
size( 800,800, P3D) ;
colorMode (HSB, 360,100,100) ;
blanc = color(0,0,100);
rouge = color(10,100,100);
noir = color(10,100,0);
background(noir) ;
int numPeople = (int)random(10,40) ;
amiSetup(numPeople) ;
//initialization camera
cameraP3Dsetup() ;
void draw() {
background(noir) ;
PVector mousePos = new PVector (mouseX, mouseY, wheel) ;
PVector absolutePos = new PVector ( mousePos.x -width/2, mousePos.y -height/2, mousePos.y) ;
//wheel = 0 ;
//eye camera position
PVector posEye = new PVector (eye(mousePos, radiusCamera).x, eye(mousePos, radiusCamera).y, eye(mousePos, radiusCamera).z ) ;
// the position of the scene is by default (width /2, height /2, 0 ) ;
// so if you wan move to the left, you must minus x, and go to the right add sommesthing to the "x",
// same idea for the top and the bottom, and the depth
PVector scene = new PVector (0,0,0) ;
// the direction of the cam is between (-1 to 1 )
PVector dirCam = new PVector (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ;
println(posEye) ;
cameraP3Ddraw(posEye, scene, dirCam) ;
println("distance between the scene and the eye camera " + posEye.dist(scene)) ;
amiDraw() ;
stroke(rouge) ;
fill(rouge) ;
pushMatrix() ;
translate(width/2, height / 2, 0);
sphere(150) ;
popMatrix() ;
float radiusCamera ;
PVector centerScene;
// float altCamFactor ;
void cameraP3Dsetup()
// give the start distance between the camera and the scene
if ( width > height ) radiusCamera = width *3 ; else radiusCamera = height *3 ;
//give the starting position of the scene in the display
centerScene = new PVector (width/2.0, height/2.0, 0) ;
//camera direction
//eye setup solution 1
eyeSetup() ;
void cameraP3Ddraw(PVector eye, PVector posScene, PVector dir ) {
camera(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z,
centerScene.x +posScene.x , centerScene.y +posScene.y, centerScene.z +posScene.z,
dir.x, dir.y, dir.z);
// mouse wheel event
float wheel ;
float checkTheWheel ;
int countWheelAction ;
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
countWheelAction += 1 ;
checkTheWheel = wheel ;
wheel = event.getCount();
//Step 0 :
PVector startPos, posV, posH, posBisector ;
void eyeSetup() {
posV = new PVector (0,0,0) ;
posH = new PVector (0,0,0) ;
posBisector = new PVector (0,0,0) ;
startPos = new PVector(width/2, height/2, 0 ) ;
PVector eye(PVector pos, float sizeField)
PVector posFinal = new PVector(0,0,0) ;
//STEP 1
//sphere witness vertical
posV.x = 0 ;
posV.y = AxisRotationPos(pos.y, height, sizeField *.5).y ;
posV.z = AxisRotationPos(pos.y, height, sizeField *.5).z ;
//sphere witness horizontal;
posH.x = AxisRotationPos(pos.x, width, sizeField *.5).x ;
posH.y = 0 ;
posH.z = AxisRotationPos(pos.x, width, sizeField *.5).z ;
//STEP 2
//bisector witness sphere
posBisector.x = bisector(posH,posV).x ;
posBisector.y = bisector(posH,posV).y ;
posBisector.z = bisector(posH,posV).z ;
//STEP 3
//point final bisector projection
posFinal = bisectorProjection(bisector(posH,posV), sizeField *.5 ) ;
return posFinal ;
//Step 1 : translate the mouse position x and y on the sphere, we must do that separately
float rotationPlan ;
PVector AxisRotationPos(float posMouse, int dist, float distanceToFocus)
PVector pos = new PVector (0,0,0) ;
rotationPlan = map(posMouse, 0, dist, 0, TAU) ;
PVector marge = new PVector((width -distanceToFocus *2.0) *.5,(height -distanceToFocus *2.0) *.5) ;
float dataPosXY = cos(rotationPlan) *distanceToFocus ;
float dataPosZ = sin(rotationPlan) *distanceToFocus ;
pos = new PVector ( dataPosXY, dataPosXY, dataPosZ ) ;
return pos ;
//STEP 2 : caculate the bisetor of the horizontal and verticale sphere
PVector bisector(PVector p1, PVector p2)
PVector b ;
b = PVector.add(p1, p2);
b.div(2) ;
return b ;
//STEP 3 : calculte the position of bisector point projection on the sphere, we supose the center of the sphere is 0,0,0
PVector bisectorProjection(PVector bisector, float radius )
PVector bisectorProjection = new PVector (0,0) ;
PVector center = new PVector (0,0) ;
float distanceBetweenCenterAndBisector = bisector.dist(center) ;
float rapport = radius /distanceBetweenCenterAndBisector ;
bisector.mult(rapport) ;
bisectorProjection = bisector ;
return bisectorProjection ;
IntList IDpeople ;
ArrayList<Ami> listPeople ;
void amiSetup(int num) {
listPeople = new ArrayList<Ami>() ;
//ID for each people
IDpeople = new IntList() ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
int ID = i ;
//position of people
PVector p = new PVector ( random(10, width -10), random(10, height -10), random(-height/2, height/2)) ;
//friend of this people
for ( int f = 0 ; f < num ; f++) IDpeople.append(f) ;
//int numFriend = (int)random(num -1) ;
int numFriend = (int)random(num / 2 ) ;
int [] IDfriend = new int [numFriend] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < numFriend ; j++) {
int whichPeople = (int)random(IDpeople.size() ) ;
int IDofFriend = IDpeople.get(whichPeople) ;
IDfriend[j] = IDofFriend ;
if(IDpeople.size() > 0 ) IDpeople.remove(whichPeople) ;
//add information to the arraylist
Ami people = new Ami(p, ID, IDfriend ) ;
listPeople.add(people) ;
//clear the list for a new start friend round
IDpeople.clear() ;
void amiDraw()
for(int i = 0 ; i < listPeople.size() ; i++) {
// int from = (int)random(listPeople.size() ) ;
Ami peopleOrigin = listPeople.get(i) ;
if (peopleOrigin.friendList.length > 0 ) {
PVector origin = peopleOrigin.pos ;
for ( int f = 0 ; f < peopleOrigin.friendList.length ; f++) {
Ami peopleDestination = listPeople.get( peopleOrigin.friendList[f]) ;
PVector destination = peopleDestination.pos ;
strokeWeight(1) ;
stroke(255) ;
line(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z) ;
class Ami
PVector pos = new PVector(0,0,0) ;
PVector size ;
int ID ;
int [] friendList ;
Ami ( PVector pos, int ID, int [] IDfriend ) {
this.pos = pos ;
this.ID = ID ;
friendList = new int [IDfriend.length] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < IDfriend.length ; i ++ ) {
friendList[i] = IDfriend[i] ;
Ami ( PVector pos) {
this.pos = pos ;
where is amisetup()?
Sorry I'de forgot a part of code ! Now work fine excepte the strange thing zoom to the corners of the scene.