We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I wanted to start this library for a long time now. Today i started!
The idea is to make a framework that extends the basic processing (but keeps usage simple as in processing). Some examples of things I would like to see added:
Basically stuff I need or things I or you might need in the future. What it shouldn't be is things to specific. Like a blobscanner, i think that should be a library on it's own. However, it could have Classes that help with existing libraries.
This with good examples, maybe a site that also explains the examples with images like processing.org has. But this get's more important once the library is growing and it's structure is getting more and more final.
My questions are:
1) Are there any things you guys like to see that you are missing in processing? 2) And are there people that would like to help me?