How Do I Create a Sketch to Login to an Account?

edited October 2013 in How To...

I would like to create a number of bots that will automatically check emails and other accounts for new activity, then either send me an email or a text. I would like to focus on the first bit, and worry about the second bit later. I want to know how to create something that I assume would open Internet Explorer / Safari / Firefox to a particular login page. Then the bot would enter my username and password and submit. The rest I'll figure out later. Please and thanks!


  • Answer ✓

    Processing is probably not the best tool for such task, you better use some automation tool, like AutoHotkey or AutoIt on Windows, or Sikuli, or similar.

  • I'll bet you processing can do it, even though I don't know how!

  • Answer ✓

    Can be done, perhaps, with the Robot class or some library. But, again, there are more sophisticated automation tools for that.

  • Thanks a lot guys! I do have an auto...something program on my old mac. I'll try to figure it out through that.

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