Can processing be used to make a website ? Noob here

edited May 2016 in JavaScript Mode

Hi, i'm brand new to Processing and a coder in training i just discovered processing and i think it's really cool just finished my first tutorial. I was wondering can Processing be used to create websites? If yes, why bother with Html or Java?



  • The short answer is no.

    You can create a program in Processing and then export that to javascript, which you can then put into a website. But the website itself will always be html.

  • edited June 2014

    So Processing will be used lay out the structure of the site?, but implementation is still Html.

    So Processing can be used as a web prototyping tool? Do people generally do this often then? Or they rather use other prototyping tools or code straight from Html?

  • No. Processing is a language/library that's used to create visualizations.

    You wouldn't create a website of text, buttons, forms, links, etc in Processing. You would use html, css, and javascript.

    You can show a javascript or Java applet Processing sketch inside a website, for example on Open Processing:

  • So you're saying you can use functional components of java language to preview a interactions features in the Processing program real time, sort as a way to preview the kind of features you might want to implement to a real site?

  • Huh? I don't think I said that. I barely understand what that means.

    Processing is a language. You can write Processing and deploy it to an applet or javascript.

    Processing is also a Java library (the language stuff is just a set of tools that convert from Processing to Java). So you can use Processing from a Java application.

    You can also deploy a Java application as an applet.

    Html is used to create websites. You can embed Java applets and javascript inside html.

    Processing is not used to "preview" html. Java is not used to "preview" Processing. I'm not even sure what that means.

  • Well, Kevin Workman said all really, but...

    There is a deep difference between html and a programming language.

    html is a language / way to describe the layout of a web page. Using html is not programming.

    A programming language is a way to tell a computer what to do.The possibilities are much broader. A browser is a program (written in a programming language). So programs are exe files on the PC. You can't do that with html.

    Nowadays you can embed your program (written in a programming language) in html code though. But it's still necessary to distinguish the two...

    Having said that, you could try to simulate a web page in processing. But when you use the java mode, it won't run in the browser. But you can write in processing a headline, text, buttons, all the stuff you'd do with html. This makes maybe a little sense when you are more used to processing then to html. But not much.


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