Error with "Add Mode"

I have just downloaded Processing IDE for my Windows machine but whenever I try to use the "Add Mode" on the upper right side to get Android Mode and Python Mode, the console at the bottom gives me the error " Network is unreachable" as well as a little red error message at the bottom of the GUI popup that says "Could not download the listof available contributions." What am I doing wrong here? How should I go about fixing this so that I can easily add a new mode?

I have also tried to simply download the .zip file to add the Android mode manually but when I unpacked it into /processing-2.2.1/modes/AndroidMode and restart the processing application I go to "modes" on the right and still only Java shows up, no Android. How should I make Processing recognize the mode I have manually downloaded? Please help and thank you in advance.


  • Answer ✓

    Don't place files in Processing's installation subfolders.
    Instead, place them inside your "sketchbook" folder. The same where your ".pde" files are saved.
    There you'll find a "/modes" and other subfolders!

  • I don't see a "sketchbook" folder in the installed directory.

  • Actually I found the default sketchbook folder now in preferences but even when I moved the unzipped Android file to the subdirectory "modes" in that directory it did not show up.

  • It was not supposed to be inside the installer folder. BtW, it should stay far away from there! :(|)

    Hit CTRL+ COMMA to open Preferences. There you can choose where the "sketchbook" location is. Even change its name! :-B

    Again, don't touch your program installed directories! [..]

  • Never installed Android mode.
    But I'm pretty sure that JavaScript & CoffeeScript modes can be installed manually by just dropping their uncompressed folder in "/modes"!

  • Yes I found the sketchbook folder now. It was in My Documents/Processing. However dropping the unzipped version of the Android mode inside the mode subdirectory did not apparently install it.

  • Answer ✓

    Be aware that "/modes" subfolder is supposed to have more than 1 mode.
    So make sure that each mode has its own subfolder too!
    For example, my CoffeeScript Mode resides in "/modes/CoffeeScriptMode/" subfolder.

  • Oh, OK! I got it to work now, thank you!

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