ControlP5 control and label text rendering badly (illegible) in P3D

edited October 2013 in Library Questions

I have an application in P1.5.1 that I designed using PeasyCam and OpenGL to render wireframe 3D models. It uses a Cp5 HUD for user controls. I'm now converting that to P3D simply because the rendering of more-complex models is faster and framerate is better under P3D for this application. However, the text on my Cp5 controls looks like distorted doodoo and only renders if set noSmooth(). The best I can get from this is setting the ControlFont to Arial,8 and even then it's blurred and barely legible. This is an issue covered in older posts but I can't find a resolution in any of them.

Does anyone know of a solution to this or if it has been resolved? All posts about this issue seem to be 2010 and prior vintage. I'm hoping there's been a resolution since then that I can't locate in old forum postings.

Also, before someone suggests it I can't upgrade to P2. I have tried to do so but I get a nondescript error that leaves me stuck and unable to further upgrade (covered here). I mention this in case anyone suggest upgrading to P2 as a solution - I have to find a P1.5.1/P3D/CP5 solution or revert to slow OpenGL.

Before anyone asks why I'm not posting my code its because it's an extensive application of over 1100 lines. Glad to post snippets but no one would read my post if they had to wade through so much code.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


  • Anyone?....bump...

  • Answer ✓

    Hi, font/image rendering in P3D mode 1.5.1 has been difficult and there is no custom built solution to overcome this with controlP5. you could use a controlWindow though (see the ControlP5window example). Wondering why OpenGL is performing slow in your case, there is a performance boost for OpenGL rendering in processing 2.0 and generally OpenGL should perform faster than cpu based rendering.

  • Thanks Sojamo. I think my path is to stay the course and find a way to upgrade my application to P2. I've tested a CP5 HUD over P3D in P2 and it's fine.

    Re. P3D vs. OpenGL I agree and would have thought so, but in practice I'm getting visibly better performance from P3D. The lines are not as nice and as smooth but the model can move much more freely/smoothly. These are purely 3D wire frame models made from drawn lines, so perhaps it's the methodology. I'm also comparing on a Win 8 notebook and maybe the integrated graphics card is not great for OpenGL, so maybe a desktop system with dedicated graphics card will fair better.

    What I'll probably do in the end is allow my user to chose which rendered in a config file editing dialog and that way they can run in either OpenGL or P3D mode, whichever is best for their system. For that I'll certainly use a ControlP5window (or ControlP5frame if I ever succeed in transferring over to P2)

    Thanks for the help :)

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