Problems with Exporting Application To Windows

edited June 2014 in How To...

Hello all,

I'm currently having issues with exporting Processing Sketch to Windows that uses the Leap Motion for Processing and Sound Cipher library. I do doubt that they're the main cause here. I tried using different versions of Processing in my Windows (yes, I do keep them somehow) and the only output that runs properly are only the 32-bit from Processing 1.5.1. The other ones just closes at the beginning or showed a white background and did nothing.

I tried reading the output from the Command Prompt and I saw problems related to JOGL. So I just threw out the P3D from size() and still the app won't run.

So, any other suggestions? I can be pragmatic and keep on using 1.5.1 but I wonder why did the new 2.2.1 didn't export applications properly just like what the wiki said?

Btw, I have Java 1.7.0_60 installed on my computer if that helps.



  • Hmm, I don't get it, now I can export application using Processing 2.1.2 and NOT 1.5.1 on the other hand, using Processing 2.2.1 is still not working.


  • i had the same question with Exporting Application To Windows.

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