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Hello people, can anyone offer me advice on my video on whether my pshapes, and p3D is effective. Also can anyone tell me how I can improve my animation.
The code is:
import processing.video.*;
Capture myVideo;
float angle;
PShape square;
PImage img;
PImage img2;
PImage img3;
int transparency1;
int transparency2;
int transparency3;
int transparency4;
void setup() {
size (640, 480, P3D);
myVideo = new Capture(this, width, height, 60);
angle =0;
square = createShape(RECT, 600, 400, 410, 480);
transparency1 = 255;
transparency2 = 80;
transparency3 = 0;
transparency4 = 140;
img = loadImage("Fading.jpeg");
img2 = loadImage("Fly Eyes.jpeg");
img3 = loadImage("Defest.jpeg");
void draw() {
if (myVideo.available()) {
image(img, 255, 100);
image(img, 0, 0);
image(img, 300, 400);
image(img3, 350, 600);
image(img3, 550, 300);
image(img2, 300, 500);
image(img3, 500, 100);
image(img3, 100, 500);
image(img, 0, 0, width/8, height/12);
rotateX (mouseY*0.005);
rotateY (mouseX*0.005);
tint(255, 155, 99, transparency1);
image(img, 22, 80);
image(img2, 554, 299);
rotateX (mouseY*0.045);
rotateY (mouseX*0.085);
translate(width/3, height/3);
angle = angle + 91.5;
tint(50, 80, 200);
rotateX (mouseY*0.145);
rotateY (mouseX*0.185);
image(myVideo, 0, 0, width/4, height/2);
image(myVideo, 10, 0, width/2, height/2);
what are Fading.jpeg, Fly Eyes.jpeg, Defest.jpeg?
Those are the pictures.
Yeah, but without them we can't run the program and see what it looks like.