Draw a movment with accelerometer

edited January 2016 in Arduino

Hello, i'm a begginer with ardiuno and processing.

With a clasmate we had a project to do during this year. We've decided to make a pen capting our mouvement with an accelerometer and draw it back into an picture.

The dateline getting closer and closer I've decided to ask here if some people could help us.

For the accelerometers we have 2 choices :

-A 3 Axis Digital Accelerometer : http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-3Axis-Digital-Accelerometer16g-p-1156.html?cPath=25_132 .

-A 6 Axis Accelerometer and Compass : http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-6Axis-AccelerometerCompass-p-1448.html?cPath=25_132

With the demonstration program we acquire the acceleration like : ( x:5g / y:-1g / z:1*g ) For our pen we'll juste use 2 axis (for the 2-Dimensions picture)

The problem is that we don't know how to transform this accelerations into many points an then transform these points into a picture.

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