System Defined Uniforms and Atributes for Shading using Processing 2.0+ using GLSL ES 2.0

edited May 2014 in GLSL / Shaders

The following page describes a list of system defined Uniforms and Attributes for each of the 6 types of shaders: However the exact names have been changed in the current version of P2.+ and most of these handles are invalid... Is there a current list with all the P2.+ compatible Uniforms and Attributes... Thanks in advance... PS What events 'trigger' which of the default system 6 shader is used... and how to 'bypass' this 'scruttiny' of the system in order to deliberately choose what custom shader to use and what uniform values to send into ... PPS Are there any IDE/Compilers/Debuggers for glsl 2.0?



  • edited May 2014

    Hi, I quickly put together a blog post that lists the current names of all the uniform and attribute variables supported in Processing 2.1.2.

    If I understand your question correctly, you can bypass any of the default shaders simply by setting your shader object using the shader() function

  • Am I to assume that all these uniforms come from data using 'fixed-function' pipeline function calls or they are stored as a 'chunk' of memory that are fed to the shaders by processing 'behind curtains' independent to deprecated fixed function functionality?

  • The second is correct: the OpenGL renderer in Processing "packages" all the geometry and texture data you set in your sketch by using the drawing functions (vertex(), normal(), texture(), etc.) in a series of vertex buffers that are fed to the shaders automatically.

  • Is the transform matrix the same as the projection matrix?

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