Don't start sketch window.

edited May 2014 in Using Processing

Please, help me. After installing Adobe CS6 (Windows 7), sketch window cannot start. There is process in Process Manager, but sketch window is not showing. How can I correct it?


  • Problem has solved. It was not in Adobe CS6, but in hosts-file: there was string-hindrance ":: 1 localhost".

  • Can you explain more because i have the same problem and i use CS6 too, maybe that can help me and solve my problem ?

  • Seek file "hosts" here: c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Open this file in Notepad and delete string ":: 1 localhost" (if it is there). It is a cause, that takes place in my situation. But you can have another cause.

  • It doesn't work for me but thank you.

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