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Hi I'm working on a final project where by audio input generates a visualization. The visualization is a line that plots ellipses along the from left to right similar to an oscilloscope. I've run into a small problem however as i'm trying to reset the visualization once it gets to the end of the threshold which is a value of 15 float flux = random(15);
Is anyone good with loops that can help me out as soon as possible?
here the code
import javax.media.opengl.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;
import com.getflourish.stt.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import javax.sound.sampled.*;
STT stt;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
FFT fft;
int index;
float[]x = new float[width];
float[]y = new float[width];
float[] spectrum;
float[] lastspectrum;
void setup()
size(displayWidth, displayHeight, OPENGL);
// Init STT automatically starts listening
stt = new STT(this);
background (0) ;
x = new float[width];
y = new float[width];
for (int i = 0; i < x.length ; i++)
x[i] = (float)i ;
// minim = new Minim(this);
//in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 512);
// Display available Inputs with id and name
Mixer.Info[] mixerInfo = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
for (int i = 0; i < mixerInfo.length; i++)
println(i + ": " + mixerInfo[i].getName());
// Set input (e.g. 0)
Mixer mixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerInfo[1]);
// Update the Minim instance that STT is using
Minim minim = stt.getMinimInstance();
in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, 512);
fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(), in.sampleRate());
//exact values
//first and last values on spectrum
spectrum = new float[fft.specSize()];
lastspectrum = new float[fft.specSize()];
void draw()
float flux = random(15);//added a random float value(5) is the max value random can be
for ( int i = 0 ; i < fft.specSize() ; i++)
spectrum[i] = fft.getBand(i);
//for every int flux takes the current spectrum subtracted by the last
flux += spectrum[i] - lastspectrum[i];
System.arraycopy( spectrum, 0, lastspectrum, 0, spectrum.length );
fill(0, 255, 0);
translate(0, height/2);
for ( int i = 5 ; i < x.length ; i++)
ellipse(x[i], y[i], abs(flux), abs(flux));
y[index++%width] = flux;
void stop()
void mouseClicked()
Formatted code and moved topic. See To newcomers in this forum: read attentively these instructions.
Some remarks:
It is declared at the global level. At this level, setup() isn't run yet, so size() hasn't be called, so width is zero there. You re-assign the variable in setup(), so you can drop the init part of these lines, just declare the variable.
Note: I prefer to use plural for collections and array names...
Processing has an arrayCopy() function, too... :-)
"i'm trying to reset the visualization once it gets to the end of the threshold"
I don't understand the question, actually. But most "reset this sketch" questions are answered with "assign again the initial values to your variables".
what i meant is everytime the spectrum gets to the end, i wanted it to reset so that there's no loop