p 1.1 MovieMaker converting to p2

edited April 2014 in Library Questions

hi, how can i please easily convert my movie exporting p1.1 files running in p2 ? thats what i mostly have:

import processing.video.*;
MovieMaker mm;  
 mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, randnumb + "....mov",30, MovieMaker.ANIMATION, MovieMaker.LOSSLESS);

and i wish to have as less changes as possible. best would be to have it running on p 1.1 and 2.

code sample would be great to have. thanks!



  • MovieMaker no longer exists as a library in Processing 2. You have to export the frames and use the tool or some other software to transform them to a movie file.

  • thank you PhiLho for answering! ..i was afraid it would turn out like that. WHY? ..such a loss!

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