Wall Plotter

edited April 2014 in Questions about Code

Hi All!

I want to build a wall plotter, i found this project and the source files, but when i ran the skect in processin i have this erro message:

processing.app.SketchException: unexpected char: 'i'
    at processing.mode.java.JavaBuild.preprocess(JavaBuild.java:379)
    at processing.mode.java.JavaBuild.preprocess(JavaBuild.java:185)
    at processing.mode.java.JavaBuild.build(JavaBuild.java:144)
    at processing.mode.java.JavaBuild.build(JavaBuild.java:123)
    at processing.mode.java.JavaMode.handleRun(JavaMode.java:120)
    at processing.mode.java.JavaEditor$18.run(JavaEditor.java:468)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Please Help!



  • A link to 'this' project would help or some source code.

  • It's to much for me to look in now. I can say you need processing 1.5.1 since it relies on the cp5 library which sadly still isn't ported for 2.x.

    Do you study in Arnhem?

  • Hello There is HUGE error when i want to import the CORE file into the ECLIPSE....

    I Can't click on the Finish, button, and i don't know why.. plase help!!!!

    here is screen shot.... I use Eclipse Kepler....


  • Maybe the problem is you try to import a File system which asks for a folder? Are there any other import options?

    I stopped using eclipse and moved to intelliJ, else i would have taken a look for you.

  • denkon, you asked about this problem in another thread. Avoid these duplicates, please.

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