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I have six toggles: I, II, III, IV, V, VI. If toggle I is true, it changes the variable cycleNumber to 1. If toggle II is true, it changes the variable cycleNumber, and so on. However, at the moment, if I click toggle I, it becomes true and cycleNumber changes to 1, but if I were to then click toggle II, cycleNumber changes to 2, but toggle I still remains true, etc.
Basically I want to create a menu that if an element was clicked, it would have an active state until another element is clicked in the menu which I couldn't figure out how to get to work with a button from the ControlP5 library.
Here's the code I'm currently using:
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp52;
int cycleNumber = 0;
void setup() {
cp52 = new ControlP5(this);
ControlFont cf24 = new ControlFont(createFont("Arial",24));
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
int w; if(i==0) { w=15; } else if(i==1) { w=23; } else if(i==4) { w=25; } else { w=30; };
Toggle t = cp52.addToggle(cycleButtons[i], false, i*80+125, 67, w, 20);
controlP5.Label l = t.captionLabel();
l.style().marginTop = -28; //move upwards (relative to button size)
l.style().marginLeft = 4; //move to the right
void draw() {
// Other stuff....
void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
if(theEvent.isController()) {
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="I") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 1; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="II") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 2; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="III") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 3; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="IV") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 4; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="V") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 5; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
if(theEvent.controller().name()=="VI") {
if(theEvent.controller().value()==1) { cycleNumber = 6; } else { cycleNumber = 0; }
Thanks in advance!!!
The thing you want is a RadioButton. ControlP5 has an example sketch.
@colouredmirrorball Thank you. How silly of me for not noticing RadioButton!
Side Note: There seems to be a bug with the forum, things keep double posting.
The forum appears to be a bit slow today. I got an error saying something went wrong so I clicked on Post Comment again. Looks like the message got through the first time anyway.
Is there any way to work with radiobutton in the same way as toggle button so that creating a Boolean variable will simplify the assignment of it? It is understood? Radio button works with array of results and ToggleButton I think it is simpler since just creating a variable one can handle it in a more direct but simple way. I would like to do the same but with the radioButton of the magnificent ControlP5 library. Thanks in advance!
Can you provide the example code that you are referencing? We can start from there..