Using repeating textures on vertex?

Hello :)

I have a problem with repeating textures in processing.

I want to draw a vertex and put a texture onto it.

I have a 10px*10px texture which should repeat in X and in Y.

The problem is that the texture repeats streched if the vertex has odd angles.

My code_example for this is:

PImage img;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400, OPENGL);

  img = loadImage("tex/dirt.jpg");


void draw() {
  vertex(0, 0, 0, 0);
  vertex(100, 0, 2, 0);
  vertex(150, 200, 2, 2);
  vertex(0, 150, 0, 2);

As an example you can use this texture:

My second idea to solve this problem is to just repeat the texture in photoshop and make a 1000*1000 pixel Texture and use the vertex as a "mask".

I hope you understand the problem :)


  • i think you have to change the texture co-ords (the 2, 0) to match the shape of the quad.

    something like:

      vertex(0, 0, 0, 0);
      vertex(100, 0, 2, 0);
      vertex(150, 200, 3, 4);
      vertex(0, 150, 0, 3);


  • Thank you very much :)

    With your help i finally understand how the u / v coordinates work :)

  • that shape matching is what you want but you can get great results and do useful things by playing with the texture co-ords. for instance, the old unreal tournament used a 2d texture wrapped around a 3d figure and you could modify the graphic to re-skin the figure to your tastes

    here's one, at the bottom here

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