Arduino+processing Image transfer

edited April 2014 in Arduino

Hi all,

I found some codes online to use the arduino uno and processing to transfer one image through the Arduino serial port (TX and RX). I need to transfer 6 images. How can i modify the processing code or arduino code to be able to transfer all images one after the other. Example: transfer image 1, then 2 etc.

Below is the Arduinocode:

     #include <SD.h>   

     File photoFile;   

     void setup(){   


      //Serial.println("initializing sd card");   
      pinMode(10,OUTPUT);     // CS pin of SD Card Shield   

      if (!SD.begin(10)) {   
       Serial.print("sd initialzation failed");   


     void loop(){   



         File photoFile ="IMAGE09.jpg");   

         if (photoFile) {   
          while (photoFile.position() < photoFile.size()) {   




         else {   
          Serial.println("error sending photo");   


PROCESSING CODE: // READ: Upload arduino code then processing.File //will be created in processiong library under my documets // //image will begin to transfer. . Click on //the grey processing box AFTER complete imgae size // has been reached... and press any button. //Image should have transferred.Click stop.

import processing.serial.*;  

Serial myPort;

OutputStream output;  
//OutputStream output2;

void setup() 

  size(320, 240);  

  //println( Serial.list() );  
  myPort = new Serial( this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);  
  output = createOutput("IMAGE09.jpg");


void draw() 

  try {   
    while ( myPort.available () > 0 ) 
  catch (IOException e) {  

void keyPressed()
    output.flush(); // Writes the remaining data to the file 
    output.close();  // Finishes the file 

  catch (IOException e)


  • Create multiple output instance such as output1,output2, output3 so on and write them one by one on the port.

    That's all

  • I do that for both the arduino and processing codes, correct?

  • hey.

    you could check when image1 is done sending. then send a small tag or identifier that image2 is going to start sending, then start sending image2, do this for all the other images you want to send.

    int IndexFile = 0;
    String locationImage[]; // path of the images;

    in the loop()

    File photoFile =[indexFile]);   
    if (photoFile) {  
       while (photoFile.position() < photoFile.size()) {   
     else {   
        Serial.println("error photo "+ locationImage[indexFile]+" with index "+indexFile);   

    In processing check when you receiving image1. image0


  • edited April 2014

    Arduino cannnot read or write multple data simultaneously (it reads or write in sequnce ) so there is no point creating multiple object in Arduino but it can read the data that are coming in the sequence(as @thomaslengeling said) so create data with id and tags so that you can identify them while reading inside the processing and seperearte the data.

  • Hi thomas, i am still a programming noob.

    String locationImage[]; // path of the images; I don't understand this part. Example, lets say the image i want to transfer is named Image1. How will the arduino know to get that image?

    Also for : %0

  • Hi thomas, i am still a programming noob.

    String locationImage[]; // path of the images; I don't understand this part. Example, lets say the image i want to transfer is named Image1. How will the arduino know to get that image?

    Also for : File photoFile =[indexFile]);

    Is locationImage, the name of my image (image 1)? Would it be like this?:

    File photoFile ="IMAGE1.jpg");

  • Hi thomas, i am still a programming noob.

    String locationImage[]; // path of the images; I don't understand this part. Example, lets say the image i want to transfer is named Image1. How will the arduino know to get that image?

    Also for : File photoFile =[indexFile]);

    Is locationImage, the name of my image (image 1)? Would it be like this?:

    File photoFile ="IMAGE1.jpg");

  • woah don't know how that happened

  • This is a really great starting point for me. Thanks for sharing this code. I am having issues tho and I know it is something very trivial. I was hoping since you have been doing this, you guys might know.

    My error is ******** Stream Closed at Method) at Source) at ImageProcessingTry2.draw( at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw( at processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D.requestDraw( at at Source)

    So why does it say Stream Closed? is this on the processing end? or on my arduino end? maybe I have not chosen the right port? I am trying to use COM7 port... The choosing of teh com port is a little fuzzy still for me.

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