How to draw multiple, user defined lines?

edited September 2014 in Questions about Code

Hi all thanks for reading, so my problem is that I need to be able to draw lines at differing points defined by the user through a mouse click.

The first click will set the first X and Y coordinates and the second click will provide the second X and Y coordinate to generate a line.

Following this the program should be able to draw more lines with totally different coordinates every time.

This is what I've attempted so far but all it only seems to be able to use the first X and Y coordinates it is provided with whilst being able to change the second pair.

int lines = 0;
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
void setup() {


void draw() {
  void mousePressed() {
      if(x1 == 0 && y1 == 0) {
        x1 = mouseX;
        y1 = mouseY;


Any help is much appreciated and thank you for reading


  • Yes that's 90% of what I need. The only other thing I need it to do that yours doesn't is to keep every line it makes. So even as the second, third, fourth etc appear none of the lines drawn previously should disappear but still thank you so very much for the help that's quite a nice program you've put together.

  • edited January 2015

    How about this 1 then? 8-X

     * Trailing Deque (v3.53)
     * by  quarks (2013/Feb)
     * for rialobran
     * mod GoToLoop
     * how-to-draw-multiple-user-defined-lines
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.ArrayDeque;
    static final byte MAX_TRAIL_POINTS = 5;
    static final Queue<PointXY> trails = new ArrayDeque(MAX_TRAIL_POINTS);
    static final color BG  = 0350;
    static final short FPS = 30;
    static final String GFX = JAVA2D; // use JAVA2D or P2D
    void setup() {
      size(800, 600, GFX);
    void mousePressed() {
      trails.add( trails.size() == MAX_TRAIL_POINTS
        ? trails.remove().setXY(mouseX, mouseY)
        : new PointXY(mouseX, mouseY) );
    void draw() {
      PointXY tt = trails.peek();
      for (PointXY t: trails)   tt = t.lineXY(tt);
    final class PointXY {
      static final color FG = #0000FF;
      static final short BOLD = 3;
      int x, y;
      PointXY(int px, int py) {
        setXY(px, py);
      PointXY setXY(int px, int py) {
        x = px;
        y = py;
        return this;
      PointXY lineXY(PointXY other) {
        line(other.x, other.y, x, y);
        return this;
  • edited June 2015

    As a bonus, the same program above re-written in CoffeeScript! ;)

    Trailing Deque (v3.54)
    by:  quarks (2013/Feb)
    for: rialobran
    mod: GoToLoop
    MAX_TRAIL_POINTS = 5; trails = []
    BG = `0350`; FPS = 30
    GFX = JAVA2D   # use JAVA2D or P2D
    setup: ->
      size 600, 600, GFX; frameRate FPS; smooth 4; do noLoop
      stroke PointXY::FG; strokeWeight PointXY::BOLD
    mousePressed: ->
      trails.push  if trails.length is MAX_TRAIL_POINTS
      then         trails.shift().setXY mouseX, mouseY
      else         new PointXY mouseX, mouseY
      do redraw
    draw: ->
      background BG
      tt = trails[0]
      tt = t.lineXY tt  for t in trails
    class PointXY
      FG: 0xff0000FF; BOLD: 3
      constructor: (@x, @y) ->
      setXY:  (@x, @y) -> @
      lineXY: (other)  -> line other.x, other.y, @x, @y; @
  • Using the first answer you provided I managed to manipulate the code into the version I need :)ss (2014-03-23 at 02.21.26)

    This is what it looks like in Processing: boolean Active = true; void setup() { size(600,500); noLoop(); smooth(); background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(3);

        void draw(){
          if (Active) {
              point(mouseX, mouseY);
              Active = false;
          line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
          Active = true;
          void mouseClicked() {
  • edited March 2014

    Oh, was my 1st example but w/o clearing the screen? #-o
    Just commenting out background(BG); would be enough! :P

  • Oh sorry I'm bad with this just started last week.

  • Could I ask you one more thing and ask how to attach the function to a button?

    By this I just mean, that the program will not start drawing lines until the button is clicked.

  • edited March 2014

    You mean the mouse buttons or having a switch button on the screen?
    If you wanna designate 1 mouse button w/ the task of allow/disallow drawings, take a look at mouseButton:

    Declare a boolean to flag whether drawing is allowed. Use the separated mouse button to switch its state! *-:)

  • I was talking about having a switch button on screen.

  • That's a little more sophisticated. Take a look a these online examples below:

    Of course, for just 1 button, it's much easier than those 2 examples above.
    Anyways, check for yourself how much you can understand those examples! 8-X

  • Still struggling, could you take a look at this and explain how I get it to do what we talked about above after a mouse click(either button) is done inside the box labelled "Line"

    What I'm struggling to understand is why the program is attempting to draw a line before my mouse enters the "Line" area of the screen and why, regardless of what I do the program won't draw a line.

  • edited March 2014

    Inside event callbacks like mousePressed(), keyReleased() and such, it's advisable to restrain on setting flag variables only.

    I see that at the end of mousePressed() you attempt to draw. Even though it's perfectly possible, it's not the right place!
    For example, I highly believe that inside events, mouseX & pmouseX got the same values, rendering the latter useless!

    Another detail I've spotted is LinePressed is an int now.
    Since it can only have 2 possible states, either draw point() or line(), it's more logical being a boolean instead iMO!

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