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Hello to all,
My name is Victor Forero. I'm a MSc computer science candidate, studying at National University of Colombia. My main interest is human-computer-interaction.
I'd like to get involved in Processing for Android development. My goal for GSoC-2014 would be to provide a Proscene2 Android port (this a video of what I'd like to achieve: ).
The (upcoming) Proscene2 series will provide means to enable scene handling (camera and iFrames) through different interaction mechanisms (e.g., kinect interface) . I'd like to experiment/improve such means to provide interaction through multi-touch surfaces. First using the TUIO framework (there's already a basic example: https://github.com/remixlab/proscene/tree/master/examples/Input/Tuio2DOF) and ultimately through the Android API.
Hello Victor, many thanks for posting your project idea.
I think that a proscene2 port to android would be a very useful addition, and specially if it allows you to define complex touch gestures like the ones in the video. Is that functionality already part of proscene, or you would need to implement it separately?
Thank you for the feedback,
Proscene2 has already the capability to handle the 6DOF but it has not for touchscreen, my task would be to build an Agent to reduce the touch events to DOF6.
Hello Victor, I think this would make a nice library proposal, specially with the added element of the 6DOF gestures. Please read the section in the GSoC FAQ about what information to include in the proposal, and remember that the application deadline is Friday 21 (tomorrow!)