Bad .pde files after "unable to find specified path" error in Processing 2.1.1

edited March 2014 in Using Processing

As the title says, I am experiencing since I updated to 2.1.1 this problem. At some point (I haven't identified if there is some specific operation related to it), while working on a sketch, I get the "unable to find specified path" error. When I go and check the previous files with notepad, this is what I get;


If I close Processing at this point or even "save as" a different sketch name/folder, when I open it back in Processing I get the characters you see above instead of the code. The only way to not lose my work is to copy from the open sketch in processing (while it's still readable) the tab text and paste it in the file opened in notepad and save again in UTF8 format.

The only modification I did from the default setup is to use the "inconsolata" font in the editor, but I am using it since the 2.0b and never experienced that problem.

Has anybody experienced that? If so, has anyone found where the problem is/identified a solution/workaround?

Thank you in advance.


PS: I am using Processing under Windows on a MacBook Pro but the same happens when working in Mac OSX too.



  • edited March 2014

    I tried to revert to 2.1b1, but after a while the same does happen.

    Sorry, I also forgot to mention I am working in the PDE X IDE. I am trying to revert to Java now to see if that was the cause (in Processing 2.1.1).

    EDIT: after reverting to Java things seem to be back to normal, most probably it was PDE X to cause the issue.

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