Required, a simpler guide form loading json into processing.js

edited March 2014 in JavaScript Mode

Well, I must be pretty thick. Ive spent days searching the web but the entry barrier for getting json data into processing.js seems pretty high. I cant make head nor tail of the examples given in pomax's guide

I could really use a very simple paired down bit of example code for how to grab two fields from using JSON and pass them to some function in a processing.js script then just write them either to println or the screen

POMAX's guide I find has two many ancillary bits to it. I dont want html button or for the user to have to click

I am just after something like this psuedocode

If it been 4 seconds
grab new JSON Object from
Pass it to function in processing.js

And for the processing.js side 

etc etc


println data

Would anyone care to take a bash at knocking up the worlds simplest example?


  • Have you read the whole guide? I see it has a section explaining how Processing can call a JavaScript function. The Json section shows a JS function getting data from a site. Just combine the two techniques, and you are good to go.

  • Yes Ive read it and im ashamed to say im a bit thick. I just cant get my head around it

  • BUMP. I've tried and tried and tried but i'm getting nowhere. any help on the above would be appreciated. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time just trying to get any sort of paired down code to get a couple of fields from thingspeak into processing.js and println them. I simply cannot get my head around the complexity of pomax's "guide" and I can't find anything else anywhere online

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