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I am currently trying to make a program that acts like an arcade machine, and uses a joystick for input. I have looked in several places, and have only found one working library for this, procontroll. I downloaded and installed the file into the correct folder, however, when i go to run the sample programs, they all give me an error message that says:
"A library relies on native code that's not available. Or only works properly when the sketch is run as a 32-bit application."
in the console. Does this mean that I installed it wrong, or is it saying that the library is outdated? or is there something else that I am missing?
Here is a link to the library: (http://creativecomputing.cc/p5libs/procontroll/)
If this is not fixable, is there any other working library for joystick control that is ready for distribution?
Thanks in advance,
You can download the native libraries for Windows 64 bit (jinput-dx8_64.dll) from here.
Put this with the other jinput files and rename it jinput-dx8.dll (replacing the existing file for 32 bit Windows), I tried this in Windows 7 (64 bit) with Processing 2.1.1 and it worked for me.
I posted the above in another topic where you asked about a Windows 64 bit version of ProControll. HTH
I am currently working on a tool/library combination based on ProControll which will work on both 32/64 bit Windows platforms as well as OSX and Linux. The tool will enable the user to browse connected games devices in a visual interface and create device configuration files in the current sketch folder. The sketch will then use the library to find a device that matches the config file, if it can't find a matching device then it will present the user with a list of connected devices and allow the user to configure one of these.
So the sketch could be written to use a joystick but then if the user does not have a joystick, configure the sketch to use a gamepad instead. It will also help create cross-platform applications as well.
I still have some way to go but thought you might be interested.
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your time and effort in this.
@Quark-- I have no way to tell how old this discussion is. But your method works great.
Can I use some features of your project now considering it is a beta? Would that be possible? I am very curious about this.
You might want to look at the ProControl Plus library which I created to update proCONTROLL.
All my Processing libraries and tools are open source and can be used in anyway you like provided I am credited in the same way I credited Christian Riekoff, the creator of proCONTROLL.
This is awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing this