Sending multiple pGraphics objects to Madmapper using Syphon

edited March 2014 in Library Questions


I'm experimenting with a little projection mapping project and using Processing to write code. I'm using Syphon to send frames to Madmapper, the output of which is projected on a 3D surface. To plug Syphon in, I followed these steps, and they work great:

So far, Syphon with Madmapper works great - but I think I may have run into a limitation of Syphon.

To explain my problem, here's what I'm trying to do:

  1. I create two PGraphics objects.
  2. Draw their respective images on the screen.
  3. Send the two PGraphics objects to Madmapper using Syphon

    PGraphics p1,p2;

    void setup(){ size(400,300);

    //Define two layers 
    p1 = createGraphics(width,height,P3D);
    p2 = createGraphics(width,height,P3D);
    //Define Syphon server
    server = new SyphonServer(this, "Processing Syphon");    


    void draw(){ p1.beginDraw(); p1.fill(255); p1.ellipse(30,30,10,10); p1.endDraw();

    p2.beginDraw(); p2.fill(0,0,255); p2.ellipse(50,50,10,10); p2.endDraw();

    //Draw two pGraphics layers to screen image(p1, 0, 0); image(p2, 0, 0);

    //Send frames out to server - (Madmapper) server.sendImage(p1); server.sendImage(p2);


Here's the problem. In Processing, only the second pGraphics is visible in the output. And in Madmapper, the output randomly flickers between the p1 and p2 layers, but never displays both at the same time.

Is there a way to send two pGraphics objects from Processing to Madmapper using Syphon? Madmapper has an app called Mad Doubler, but I'm currently using that to display two other layers separately.

I've also tried creating p2 within p1, but I don't see a difference.

Is this something that has been discussed before? Would be very thankful for any suggestions!

Thanks, Govind.

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