Looking for processing consulting

edited March 2014 in Events & Opportunities

I am currently working on a large interactive sculpture using programmable led strips and I am contemplating the best method of controlling them. I am flirting with the idea of using processing to create animations and send them over serial to an arduino/teensy to display on the strips but cant rely on a small computer/netbook as this sculpture is going to be a permanent part of a building. i was thinking of using a raspberry pi or beagleboneblack in place of a computer but have no experience with either and am looking for some guidance in the right direction. the animations are rather simple wave ripples triggered by a button press. email me at thomaskogut at gmail dot com if interested in helping



  • I've done several projects involving LED animations and I would suggest just doing everything in Arduino. Coding it in Processing is just overcomplicating things. I've done large installations with 1000s of LEDs and it was pretty easy to do everything directly in the Arduino IDE. Sometimes I do use Processing as part of my debug process, it can be super useful to visualize things like sensor data. I suggest buying Neopixels from Adafruit. The code isn't too complicated. You should be able to tweak one of their examples to get what you want.

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