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Hi! How to make my custom event handler and event class that fires an event every second by updating a integer value?
I was following this tutorial Library-Basics.
What i actually much want to accomplish is pretty much the same as in the sDrop library-basic example, to use my own kind of event handler. I don't really know how to actually fire an event as described here: Describing Your Library --> public void makeEvent(EventClass event)
Let's say EventClass is updating a value every second which i want to treat as a fake event. In the main Sketch i want to get the updated value like this:
void fancyEvent(EventClass event){
Now, how can i actually make that EventClass to fire an Event every second and updating (int)count and listen to it?
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So after an intensive day of research about reflection i found the solution.
import processing.core.*; // registerMethod
import java.lang.reflect.*;
EventObj obj;
Handler hand;
void setup(){
hand = new Handler(this);
obj = new EventObj(hand);
void draw(){ }
// handler method
void getSth(EventObj event){ println( event.getVal() ); }
// fire an event in the EventObj Object
void mousePressed(){ obj.process(); }
// This class handles the EventObj-Event
public class Handler {
private Method myMethod;
protected Object parent;
protected PApplet parentSketch;
public Handler(PApplet parent){ // Object theObject
this.parent = parent;
Class myClass = parent.getClass();
parent.registerMethod("dispose", this);
try {
myMethod = myClass.getDeclaredMethod("getSth", new Class[] { EventObj.class } );
} catch (Exception e) { println(e); }
protected void invokeEvent(EventObj event){
try {
myMethod.invoke( parent, new Object[] { event });
println("Handler received event from an EventObj-Object.");
} catch (Exception e) { println(e); }
public void dispose(){ System.out.println("Handler says bye."); }
// This Class fires an Event and passes it to the Handler Object
public class EventObj {
Handler handler; int val = 0;
protected EventObj(Handler theHandler){ handler = theHandler; }
public int getVal(){ return this.val; }
// this will tell the Handler Object than an event happened.
protected void process() {
val++; // the actuall event.
println("EventObj fired an Event.");
handler.invokeEvent(this); }
EventObj fired an Event.
Handler received event from an EventObj-Object.
EventObj fired an Event.
Handler received event from an EventObj-Object.
EventObj fired an Event.
Handler received event from an EventObj-Object.
Handler says bye.