Processing Motion Blur Effect

edited February 2014 in How To...

Hi guys, This is my code so far. I'm supposed to blur a basketball so it looks like it has motion. However, I have no idea where the error in my code is and how I'm supposed to fix it. When I run the code, it just show a blank white screen. Thanks!

int x = 0;
int y = 0;
PImage img;
float[][] blur = { { 0, 0, 0 } , 
                     { 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0 } ,
                     { 0, 0, 0 } } ;
//float [][] gFilter = matrix;
void setup() {
  img = loadImage("BasketballBorder.png");


void draw() {
  image(img, x, 0);

  float [][] gFilter = blur;
  int matrixsize = gFilter.length;


  for (int x = 0; x<img.width; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y<img.width; y++) {
      color c = convolution(x,y,blur,matrixsize,img);
      int loc = x + y*img.width;
      pixels[loc] = c;


color convolution(int x, int y, float[][] matrix, int matrixsize, PImage img)
  float rtotal=0.0;
  float gtotal=0.0;
  float btotal=0.0;
  int offset=matrixsize/2;

  for (int i=0; i<matrixsize; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<matrixsize; j++) {
      int xloc = x + i-offset;
      int yloc = y + j-offset;
      int loc = xloc + img.width*yloc;

      loc = constrain(loc, 0, img.pixels.length-1);

      rtotal += (red(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j]); //<<<<<This is where processing points out the error in my code
      gtotal += (green(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j]);
      btotal += (blue(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j]);

  // Make sure RGB is within range
  rtotal = constrain(rtotal, 0, 255);
  gtotal = constrain(gtotal, 0, 255);
  btotal = constrain(btotal, 0, 255);

  // Return the resulting color
  return color(rtotal, gtotal, btotal);




  • edited February 2014

    In order to manipulate your image's pixels[] array you have to call your image's loadPixels()/updatePixels. corrected your code and commented the incorrect lines:

    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    PImage img;
    float[][] blur = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
    void setup() {
      size(600, 600);
      img = loadImage("http" + "://");
    void draw() {
      image(img, x, 0);
      float [][] gFilter = blur;
      int matrixsize = gFilter.length;
      img.loadPixels(); // loadPixels();
      for(int x = 0; x < img.width; x++)
        for(int y = 0; y < img.height; y++) { // for(int y = 0; y < img.width; y++) {
          color c = convolution(x, y, blur, matrixsize, img);
          int loc = x + y * img.width;
          img.pixels[loc] = c;
      img.updatePixels(); // updatePixels();
    color convolution(int x, int y, float[][] matrix, int matrixsize, PImage img) {
      float rtotal = 0.0;
      float gtotal = 0.0;
      float btotal = 0.0;
      int offset = matrixsize / 2;
      for(int i = 0; i < matrixsize; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < matrixsize; j++) {
          int xloc = x + i - offset;
          int yloc = y + j - offset;
          int loc = xloc + yloc * img.width;
          loc = constrain(loc, 0, img.pixels.length - 1);
          rtotal +=   red(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j];
          gtotal += green(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j];
          btotal +=  blue(img.pixels[loc]) * matrix[i][j];
      rtotal = constrain(rtotal, 0, 255);
      gtotal = constrain(gtotal, 0, 255);
      btotal = constrain(btotal, 0, 255);
      return color(rtotal, gtotal, btotal);

    And for anyone who is interested a fast shader based version:

    PImage someImage;
    PShader dirBlur;
    void setup() {
        someImage = loadImage("http" + "://");
        size(someImage.width, someImage.height, P2D);
        dirBlur = loadShader("dirBlur.frag");
    void draw(){
        image(someImage, 0, 0);
        float angle = atan2(mouseX - width / 2, height / 2 - mouseY);
        dirBlur.set("blurOffset", 1.0 / someImage.width * sin(angle), 1.0 / someImage.height * cos(angle));
        for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++)

    And the dirBlur.frag (should be in your project's data folder):

    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;
    precision mediump int;
    uniform sampler2D texture;
    uniform vec2 blurOffset;
    varying vec4 vertColor;
    varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
    void main() {
        vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - 7.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y - 7.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.05;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - 5.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y - 5.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.09;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - 3.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y - 3.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.12;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x - 1.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y - 1.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.155;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x, vertTexCoord.y)) * 0.17;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + 1.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y + 1.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.155;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + 3.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y + 3.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.12;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + 5.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y + 5.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.09;
        sum += texture2D(texture, vec2(vertTexCoord.x + 7.5 * blurOffset.x, vertTexCoord.y + 7.5 * blurOffset.y)) * 0.05;
        gl_FragColor = sum;
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