preloading lots of images

edited February 2014 in JavaScript Mode

I know that if I want to use images in PJS I have to put this at the top

/* @pjs preload="image101.png, image102.png, image103.png, image104.png, image105.png, image106.png, image107.png, image108.png, image109.png"; */

I've just written a gallery which selects images at random from those in the source directory; the population looks like this

  num = 899;
  allImages = new PImage[num];
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    allImages[i] = loadImage(imagePath + fileName + (i + 100) + ".jpg");
    if (allImages[i] == null)
      num = i;

'S'not very elegant but 'tis functional!

Do I have to preload image100.png, ... image 999.png

(a) even though there might be only 120 images?

(b) I choose to display a sample 100 of those 120 say?

(c) if so, can I use a for loop?

(d) will it fail altogether if any of the images in the preload list don't exist?


  • edited February 2014

    I've always been curious about that 1 too: Whether we MUST use /* @pjs preload=""; */ in order to load any resources? :-??
    I wonder whether eventually all of the loadImage() files end up fully loaded down the road? :-?

    Why don't you preload only the images you need right way and use loadImage() to them?
    And then use requestImage() to those non-preloaded 1s? That's an experiment I'd like to see the result! [-O<

  • Thanks - people on various forums seem divided about the preload and requestImage(); I was trying the former as that's how I fixed my openProcessing sketch which uses images.

    I've stumbled over more problems before I can test those: I was using the really neat IntList.shuffle() to generate my random list of images, getting the error message "ha ha, you didn't expect this to work did you?" when I tried in js mode; and of course there's something wrong with the mouse positioning. sigh

  • edited February 2014

    Class IntList is Processing 2+! JS Mode 1.4.1 is from an age where Processing 1.5.1 reigned supreme! 8->

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