How to make the equivalent of a struct? Do I use classes?

edited February 2014 in Programming Questions


I'm new to processing (started learning it yesterday), so I apologize for the simple questions. Any how, I need to make a data structure of sorts. To better explain, let me give you an example:

   1   True   3.3   2.2 
   2   True   2.5   1.1
   3   False  2.2   3.2
   4   True   2.3   6.9

Now, I want to create an array that holds all this information and be able to access it. So, if I were to get 3's information, I'd get - False, 2.2, 3.2.

I'm sure it's quite simple, but I've watched YouTube videos and read references about classes, but they seem a bit more complex than what I want to do. Or is using classes sloppy? What is the recommended method?

Also, I want to make it expandable since I don't know how many times this will be entered - do I use an ArrayList? If so, how do I read and write to it?

Thank you!




  • edited February 2014

    there is a good tutorial about classes / oop

    this is what you need. [New Version]

    It should be all quite clear.

    In a class you collect the properties (your information e.g. - False, 2.2, 3.2.) and the methods (print it, draw it whatever)

    The class goes from { down to the very last }

    The class is then used like a type (like int or boolean e.g.)

    in the 1st line we make our ArrayList of type Ellipse

    in setup we

    • first make a new Ellipse ellipseTest using new

    • and we push this Ellipse into the ArrayList with add

    The word "new" ist interesting. The class is the concept (the abstract idea/ cookie maker) of an ellipse and only with "new" we make an existing thing from it (the thing / the cookie) with real color and position.

    in draw()

    • we read it with get from the ArrayList

    • and draw it

      ArrayList <Ellipse>  ellipses  = new ArrayList();  
      void setup() {
        size(600, 600);
        int circleSize = 1;
        // we add a lot of ellipses
        for (int i=1;i<32;i++) {
          Ellipse ellipseTest = new Ellipse(width/2, height/2, circleSize, color( 220, 0, 0 ));
          ellipses.add (ellipseTest);
          circleSize +=11;
        } // for 
        // we add one ellipse more 
        Ellipse ellipseTest = new Ellipse(30, 30, 44, color( 2, 2, 222.0 ));
        ellipses.add (ellipseTest);
      } // func
      void draw() {
        // we show them 
        Ellipse ellipseCurrent;
        for (int i=1;i<ellipses.size();i++) {
          ellipseCurrent = ellipses.get(i);
        } // for
      } // func 
      // ============
      class Ellipse {
        float x;
        float y;
        float size;
        color col;
        Ellipse(float x, float y, float size, color col) {
        void draw() {
          ellipse(x, y, size, size);
      } // class
  • @Chrisir the link is missing : )

  • Answer ✓

    In OOP the equivalent of a struct is a class with all members public so for your data

    class MyStruct {
      public boolean b;
      public float n1;
      public float n2;
      public MyStruct(boolean b, float n1, float n2) {
        this.b = b;
        this.n1 = n1;
        this.n2 = n2;

    and to create your array list

    ArrayList<MyStruct> list = new ArrayList<MyStruct>();
    list.add(new MyStruct(true, 3.3, 2.2));
    list.add(new MyStruct(true, 2.5, 1.1));
    list.add(new MyStruct(false, 2.2, 3.2));
    list.add(new MyStruct(true, 2.3, 6.9));

    and to access the data

    println(list.get(1).n1); // 2.5
    println(list.get(2).b); // false
    list.get(2).b = true;
    println(list.get(2).b); // true
  • Answer ✓

    Oh, @quark beaten me 1st! Anyways, here's my example too: ~:>

    // how-to-make-the-equivalent-of-a-struct-do-i-use-classes
    final ArrayList<Struct> structs = new ArrayList();
    void setup() {
      structs.add( new Struct(true, 3.3, 2.2) );
      structs.add( new Struct(true, 2.5, 1.1) );
      structs.add( new Struct(false, 2.2, 3.2) );
      structs.add( new Struct(true, 2.3, 6.9) );
      for (Struct struct: structs)  println(struct);
    class Struct {
      boolean b;
      float x, y;
      Struct(boolean bool, float val1, float val2) {
        b = bool;
        x = val1;
        y = val2;
      String toString() {
        return b + "\t [ " + x + ", " + y + " ]";
  • guys, intentionally I gave him something different but similar to his problem

    so he can make the adaptions and learn by himself...

    don't you guys agree with my intention...?


  • @Chrisir your intentions are fine but anyone who thinks that using classes might be sloppy obviously needs an extra hand. :D

  • Absolutely!


  • edited February 2014

    Hahaha. While I appreciate your intention, I had a project that I needed finished before the night was over. :D

    I'm not a programmer by any means - my boss laughed at the fact that one of the programming languages that I first learned was Fortran... which I learned over twenty years ago. So, for not having programmed since, me completing an actually useful Processing sketch isn't too shabby. :P (Making a printable "binary LP" to be read by infrared sensor array.)

    Thanks, though, to everyone here. Hopefully I'll learn the true use of classes later and redeem myself.


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